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Selling Genos

Started by chony, Jan 10, 2024, 08:12 PM

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perhaps this post belongs in the G1 forum, but I'm assuming it's more relevant to G2, since many of you have sold the G1 to buy the G2 and are better equipped to answer this.

What are the going range for a secondhand G1? I have one I'd like to sell.

Michael Trigoboff

I sold my on eBay for $2999.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22


The easiest way is to part exchange it.... Most shops are offering around the £2000 mark... that is, in the UK.


Depending on the condition and add-ons of the G1 I have seen prices in the range $2.400 and $2.900 when selling to private customers.
Genos 2 (upgrade from Genos 1), several condenser mics (Audio-technica, DPA, Shure), RME Fireface UC, Studio One Pro 6, Behringer QX1832


Quote from: muzicman147 on Jan 11, 2024, 06:16 AM
The easiest way is to part exchange it.... Most shops are offering around the £2000 mark... that is, in the UK.

I'd agree. Unfortunately though there are so many 2nd hand ones, and Christmas has been and gone, so I doubt dealers are going to be as generous for long. They won't want to be lumbered with non moving stock at a notoriously bad time of year  for sales.
There are still some eternal optimists trying to get just stupid prices on Tyros 5's far more than a used Genos..... There are bargains out there, but it's the old saying.
You'll only get what a buyer will pay.

No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones


As said there are may ones now over the internet and it keeps goiing up. It depends also how quick you want to sel. Some shops stil have new g1 to sell and they dump it for 2600 euro's So that is a very sharp price.Most people dont care for the soft is in the keyboard because they now where to find it. The age, where it was used 'home, gigs, non smoker, optical look, first owner . . al plays a role. There are also many oportunist who make a liviing of buying cheap and selling to make a profit so be aware of those ones. With stand and boxes? It al depends on the buyer. Never sel it to transport it via post or so without the certitude of getting your money. By preference by an intermediant. A good idea is to let it over to the shop. You wont get the price that you get if you sell it yourself but you spare yourself much time and effort. You never get the true value of your product. People who buy second hand want to do a bargain. Otherwise they would buy new. Most people who search 2dehand are wel informed so they now the g1 is 6 years old tecnology so they expect to see that in the price you ask. so it al depends who is searching for a g1 the moment you precent it and the state it is in. Before buying my g2 a looked for a 2dhand g1 but the prices they asked? Many times more than a brand new one and the argument of extra soft etc . . . . . I did not need that; When you go looking and you see lots of stuff who makes it clear it traveled a lot and was used profecionaly . . . .  that was also a breaking point for me. I went to the shop to by a new g1 and . . .i sorted the shop with an g2 . .  .  ;D
own: wersi abacus duo pro deluxe
        Genos 2

owned: Tyros 1, psr 9000, yamaha hs8 with cvs10 and mdr3, hamond aurora classic, yamaha c55n, omegan 1200


Just to share my experience in trading in (part exchange as it's called in UK) musical gears.

Two years ago I decided to trade in my Martin dcpa4 solid rosewood acoustic guitar for a Yamaha sx700. I took it to Long and McQuade which is the largest musical gear chain in Canada and they gave me a trade in value of $1000.

That was quite a lot less than I expected. I alway take great care of my gears and although it was a discontinued model, it was in like new condition. So I decided to put an add on Kijiji and within 10 days I sold it for $1800.

Other than saving all the troubles for having to deal with potential low ballers and scammers, I would have save 13% on $1,000 which would be deducted before taxes; but bottomline i still saved $670.

I understand that stores have to build in a profit margin in evaluating a trade in value but I wouldn't be surprised that most stores wouldn't offer much more than 50% of the market value. I suppose it could vary from country to country, region to region, so knowing what your gear is worth in the open market is the key to make a smart decision.
