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Get Back (Beatles) style??

Started by jimlaing, Jan 05, 2024, 10:11 PM

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I'm looking for a Style for "Get Back" as done by the Beatles.  It has an unusual drum beat.  A typical "4/4 Rock" type style works OK but doesn't have the unique snare pattern heard in the original song.

I'm OK with buying (paying for) a good Style, if someone knows of a good source. 
This is for Genos (1).

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 30 styles for you to try, Jim. :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Wow, 30 of them!  :-)  I just need one :-) but I'll check them out.  I'll likely start with the one with the newest date, as it's more likely to be made on a newer keyboard (the 2015 one vs. using the 2001 one, which was probably on a Tyros 1?!)

Thanks again - it'll be fun to see if one of these works out well . . .

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


Thanks again!  I took one of the more recent styles, and revised with Revo drums and changes the Bass and guitar sounds etc. to (hopefully) better ones in Genos, and it's very usable!  I was surprised that the "Intros" were actually sort of "musical interludes" or "solos" rather than intros, etc. - but it's still very usable for this song . . . thanks!

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff