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YEM Problem

Started by PierreSW, Jan 05, 2024, 02:05 AM

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What's wrong with YEM?

// Pierre

[attachment unavailable]
YAMAHA Genos 2, YAMAHA MFC10, Bose L1 II-pa,Mixer T1 ToneMatch, ZUM STEEL.


Hello Pierre,

Your problem is that you most likely downloaded the "Genos Complete Pack" and the "DX Pack" from this forum (Home) at the top.
What you need to do is go to your own "Yamaha registration page" where you registered your Genos2, and download the 2 packs again.
Replace these 2 packs in your YEM.
Genos2, Korg Pa5x76, Studiologic Numa x2 Compact, Focurite 6i6, V-Console, PC-Gig Performer & VST's.
Before: Genos1, Tyros 1, Tyros 5-76, Wersi Organs: CD Spectra & OAS Abacus Duo Pro, OAS Scala GS700.


It dose not matter where you download the packs from. As long as you have imported your Genos 2 ID into YEM they will work. Just check you have enough space to load them Look at the WAV count as well as pack space.


Where are you trying to save the data to? Directly to USB, or to your computer's disk?


I actually had this glitch too... as I mentioned in the converted packs for G2 download page, the first set of 10 all of them worked fine, but the 2nd set, I think I was only able to get 1 or 2 of them to work, everything else resulted in unusable packs. I'm hoping that 2nd set is eventually corrected (I re downloaded the 2nd set to make sure, but same results).

But that specific glitch only happened to me once ; most of the time the glitch is that it pretends that it generates the install pack, but the file is < 1 GB (it should be approx 4GB) and upon install, all the voices vanish, only the styles get installed. very weird. But fixing both glitches involved removing the 2nd set of G2 download ppf's.


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Mark Wilburn


I installed all the Packs I downloaded from the Yamaha site. Installed 1.0.2 in Genos and YEM is 2.10.
All contents in the Pack are correct (registrations are correct) This is my process, I made a video.
Watch my video channel


Quote from: ckobu on Jan 05, 2024, 03:11 PM
I installed all the Packs I downloaded from the Yamaha site. Installed 1.0.2 in Genos and YEM is 2.10.
All contents in the Pack are correct (registrations are correct) This is my process, I made a video.

Unfortunately that only works in Europe, but good that the there is a working 2nd sent of G2 converted packs somewhere.


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Mark Wilburn


Perhaps Casper can upload those packs somewhere and share the link? :D
Ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent! 🤷🍻

Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha DX100, Korg Pa4x, Roland XP30, Soundcraft Ui16, Presonus Studiolive 1602, Shure WBH54, Beta 58 (2x), JBL PRX 718XLF (2x) & PRX 712 (2x)

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Quote from: Akki on Jan 05, 2024, 04:34 PM
Perhaps Casper can upload those packs somewhere and share the link? :D

No need because they are available on the yamaha site and many more. Seeing your quote make me think your a starwars fan?
own: wersi abacus duo pro deluxe
        Genos 2

owned: Tyros 1, psr 9000, yamaha hs8 with cvs10 and mdr3, hamond aurora classic, yamaha c55n, omegan 1200


I see that many people have problems installing Packs. My friend who lives in Croatia (Europe) also has them.
I don't know, the process you see in the video above was done with these Packs, I downloaded them from my account. Try it and let me know, maybe it helps.

Genos+Complete+&+DX7+Pack (283MB)
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Genos2_Expansion_Packs_Volume_1 (1,1 GB)
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Genos2_Expansion_Packs_Volume_2 (1,4 GB)
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Watch my video channel


Quote from: wersiplayer on Jan 05, 2024, 05:41 PM
No need because they are available on the yamaha site and many more. Seeing your quote make me think your a starwars fan?

That's only Yamaha Europe though. There's no "register" on Yamaha Canada's site (there never has been), so in lieu of finding somewhere where I can register a *Canadian* Genos 2, hopefully someone can reup the defective (for me) 2nd set of Genos expansion packs. THe first set, when Chris (overover) provided the individual d/l links, all worked fine, though. But it's the 2nd set have weird glitches, I got the same glitch as the OP above.

So again, since Casper has a working set, yes, as Akki suggested, I'm hoping he can upload his 2nd set?



*edit* I see Casper did upload his set; thanks Casper!!

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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: ckobu on Jan 05, 2024, 05:52 PM
I see that many people have problems installing Packs. My friend who lives in Croatia (Europe) also has them.
I don't know, the process you see in the video above was done with these Packs, I downloaded them from my account. Try it and let me know, maybe it helps.

Genos+Complete+&+DX7+Pack (283MB)
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Genos2_Expansion_Packs_Volume_1 (1,1 GB)
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Genos2_Expansion_Packs_Volume_2 (1,4 GB)
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Thanks Kasperoni! ❤️❤️❤️🍻🍻🍻
Ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent! 🤷🍻

Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha DX100, Korg Pa4x, Roland XP30, Soundcraft Ui16, Presonus Studiolive 1602, Shure WBH54, Beta 58 (2x), JBL PRX 718XLF (2x) & PRX 712 (2x)

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In my opinion packs must be available for anyone in this world. What matters where the people are from? Yes, for registration of keybord must be the warranty process, but this one must be bound to each distributor, but for content?! What is this Yamaha? Make the content available as GLOBAL.
Why do I have to create an account on Brazil to download a Pack which is available only there? Other brands does not have this stupidity of splitting world into some factions, Europe deserve something, USA deserve something else, Canada something else, also, and so on...

There must be only ONE Yamaha website for everybody in this world! Or at least the same content for everybody!
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: valimaties on Jan 06, 2024, 12:23 PM
There must be only ONE Yamaha website for everybody in this world! Or at least the same content for everybody!

Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Quote from: musicman01 on Jan 05, 2024, 03:45 AM
Hello Pierre,

Your problem is that you most likely downloaded the "Genos Complete Pack" and the "DX Pack" from this forum (Home) at the top.
What you need to do is go to your own "Yamaha registration page" where you registered your Genos2, and download the 2 packs again.
Replace these 2 packs in your YEM.

The very first version of the "Genos Complete Pack for Genos2" offered by Yamaha was buggy, which meant that the Pack Install file could not be created successfully if (also) the said pack was selected.

After Yamaha released the fixed version of the "Genos Complete" pack, I initially changed the download link here in the forum to my Dropbox. The fixed version can now also be downloaded again via the Yamaha original link, so the original link can now be found again in the relevant forum thread. If necessary, please simply download the pack there again:)
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks to all of you for helping me solve the problem with YEM.

// Pierre
YAMAHA Genos 2, YAMAHA MFC10, Bose L1 II-pa,Mixer T1 ToneMatch, ZUM STEEL.


Quote from: overover on Jan 06, 2024, 02:24 PM
The very first version of the "Genos Complete Pack for Genos2" offered by Yamaha was buggy, which meant that the Pack Install file could not be created successfully if (also) the said pack was selected.

After Yamaha released the fixed version of the "Genos Complete" pack, I initially changed the download link here in the forum to my Dropbox. The fixed version can now also be downloaded again via the Yamaha original link, so the original link can now be found again in the relevant forum thread. If necessary, please simply download the pack there again:)
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Best regards,

Yup, thanks Chris, it tried redownloading the fixed complete pack as well. Still the same result; I'm now baffled as to what is preventing the wave samples from being installed (on the new G2 from G1 cpf's only; if I strip out all of those new ppf's, it installs)


*edit solved*

OMG. Turns out installing a new pack when hard drive space was low was corrupting the install files; as well as rendering the expansion pack with low hdd space also was an issue.

I had to reboot, redownload the 2nd set of packs again (wasn't the first set, those worked fine), then select the pack contents, then reboot again, and *then* render the pack.

Which ironically means the first rule of I.T. applied here :p

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Mark Wilburn