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three pedals

Started by flailman, Dec 27, 2023, 10:13 AM

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Wondering how many of the DGX crowd have the three pedals and if so, how much you use anything other than the sustain?
DGX 670, PSR-E373 and PSS-480


I use the Pedals for "Fills Up"

Yamaha DGX-670 connected to a Yamaha MW12 Mixer connected to a pair of Yamaha MSP10's + Yamaha SW10 Subwoofer using Songbook+.

MacBook Pro 32 Gigs Ram, 1 Terrabyte SSD

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The CVP also has three built in pedals. I use the center for tempo tap in, the left for accompaniment start/stop and the right for sustain. I use sustain a lot as I play full keyboard piano a lot. Tempo tap in is much more useful than it might seem because that's how we typically set tempo, tapping your right foot, so it's a very natural thing to do. I use it all the time, select a style, tap in the tempo I am thinking of for the song and the style starts correctly. The style start stop is used less but still useful, although it's more difficult to use the left foot. I also have a 4th pedal plugged in (which you can do on a CVP). This is an expression pedal which I occasionally use for either rh volume or rh pitch bend on guitar or sax. This is my least used pedal.
Of course it's easy to change pedal functions when you need to, like when using a pedal for drop in/drop out recording, but these 4 are my default set up.


I use three pedals on the Genos. The left pedal is the volume pedal for the 2nd and 3rd voice, for example, accordions or saxophones on the auxiliary keyboard (Roli). The middle pedal - sostenuto. Sometimes it is useful to lock the last note for a while, while the fingers are already free, to play other notes without the pedal.
And the third, as usual, the sustain pedal. Could also be piano style, half damper, but I don't know how to adapt this feature for my Genos.
Genos,  Roli Rise2


Hello dear fellow DGX-670 users.   :D

I don't have the triple pedal unit, but since the DGX-670 tripe pedal connector is  a PS/2 port.

( a 6-pin mini-DIN connector which was used for connecting keyboards and mice to a PC compatible computer system back in the days before the USB )

I rigged up simple ON/OFF switch pedal  to a PS/2 connector that I use as my Left  pedal for advancing my performance memories in chain. I could've rigged up a third pedal (Middle) to the same PS/2 connector, but I have no need for it since I could make a mistake and step on the wrong pedal in the middle of a song. The simpler the better.

I only use two pedals, one for the sustain and the other for what I mentioned above.
;) :)



The Yamaha DGX-670 Reference Manual_a0.pdf Pages 75 to 77 Explains nearly 40 assignable Pedal functions to the 3 pedals and the auxiliary pedal.
Experimenting with these pedal assignments especially with the SFX signs is awesome.
Would take several pages to explain how they all work.
I'm still learning new uses for these pedal functions.

Rick D.


I have a real piano besides the Genos and hardly use the the soft pedal, and sostenuto pedal. I mostly use the sustain pedal. Occasionally I use the soft pedal but not often.

Rick D.


I have been playing piano for 70 years, some of it professionally and I don't think I have ever used either sostenuto or soft pedal.
If you want to use three pedals on an arranger, you will want to control very different functions, and it's best they are physically different so you don't mix them up, like a piano type sustain pedal, an organ type swell pedal and a simple switch. You can use the swell pedal for volume or pitch bend, and the switch for simple functions like page turning, registration changing etc. you can also use a set up registration the change pedal function with one touch.