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Audio Styles usable for PSR-S970

Started by voodoo, April 11, 2018, 05:16:00 PM

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With the new YAP Yamaha Audio Phrazer we can create own audio styles. They are in Format style.aus. But how to use them?

* Genos can read Audio styles directly from USB stick.
* But what about PSR S970? It has 128 MB Wave mem for audio styles. But how to use it?

I am not shure if PSR S970 can read audio styles from USB stick. I think Firmware 1.06 from 2016 does not support this.

But we can create a install pack with YEM, import an audio style, and then create a PPI file for PSR S970.

  --> self created audio styles can be used on S970.


[attachment deleted by admin]
Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Rename the extension "*.aus" to "*.sty" and you can use it on S970 directly at usb  ;)
It takes a little time to load the audio style, but once it loaded in intern memory it's going well.


Quote from: jexino on April 12, 2018, 02:43:48 PM
Rename the extension "*.aus" to "*.sty" and you can use it on S970 directly at usb  ;)
It takes a little time to load the audio style, but once it loaded in intern memory it's going well.

Wow, this is a very interesting information. Thanks for this.

So you can load the Genos bonus audio styles from Tyros 5 on S970/S975?

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


They are not really bonus styles they are from Tyros 5 keyboard.


Quote from: voodoo on April 12, 2018, 03:47:03 PM
Wow, this is a very interesting information. Thanks for this.

So you can load the Genos bonus audio styles from Tyros 5 on S970/S975?

Yes, attached find you my StyleExtractor that i wrote last year ;-)
This is a .Net program for extracting styles (inc. Audio Styles) from ppi / ppf packs.

There are 28 audio styles that are not in S970  8)

>>> Download StyleExtrator V1.0.0.5

Edit by overover: Added new download link for StyleExtractor


PSR970: I can read the audiostyle from usb renamed as .sty. After I can work in style creator to add midi part with assembly function. After that I save it on usb as .aus file format. But the 970 doesn't read this format from usb driver. I have to save it in the user memory.
So the question is: If I want to sell my psr 970 to buy a 975 how  can I backup my audiostyles saved in the user memory?



Quote from: bernamato on April 15, 2018, 10:22:38 PM
PSR970: I can read the audiostyle from usb renamed as .sty. After I can work in style creator to add midi part with assembly function. After that I save it on usb as .aus file format. But the 970 doesn't read this format from usb driver. I have to save it in the user memory.
So the question is: If I want to sell my psr 970 to buy a 975 how  can I backup my audiostyles saved in the user memory?

Hi bernamato,

you can use the "Yamaha MusicSoft Downloader" PC program to exchange files between the S970 User drive (including Expansion folder) and a PC (by using USB cable).

Important: You must install the "Yamaha USB-MIDI Driver" first!

To get more information, please click here:,46724.msg367209.html#msg367209

In the "MusicSoft Downloader" navigate to "USER" ---> "STYLE". There (or in a subfolder) you should find your .aus Styles, and you should be able to Copy & Paste (by rightclicking) it to the PC.

BUT: Audio Styles usually have a file size of about 10 - 16 MB! But the entire User drive of the S970 is only about 16 MB. So, I guess that these "User Audio Styles" you made, do NOT contain the original Audio Drum track (but use the original Audio Wave Data in Flash ROM Expansion Memory of your S970!).

If I'm right about that, those User .aus Styles will NOT play Audio Drums, when used on another keyboard, where the Original Audio Styles are not available/installed (e. g. on Genos).

The S970 and the S975 both have 40 +Audio Styles. Maybe your User .aus Styles will play right on the S975, but I don't know this definitely, at the moment.

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


 :P Thanks Voodoo
you have linked an image file, it was not better to link directly * .aus, so we avoid so many headaches?


:D :D


Quote from: jexino on April 12, 2018, 09:57:34 PM
Yes, attached find you my StyleExtractor that i wrote last year ;-)
This is a .Net program for extracting styles (inc. Audio Styles) from ppi / ppf packs. ...

Hi jexino,

I recently tried to extract the .aus Styles from the eight "Bonus Audio Style" Packs (.ppf) on the Genos download website by using your "StyleExtractor" program (V1.0.0.4). The eight Packs contain a total of 40 Audio Styles, but only 32 of them were extracted by StyleExtractor.

So, in each Pack exactly ONE Style has not been extracted. My observation is that the missing Style is always the LAST one in the PDF lists included in every single pack.

I also tried "YEM Content Explorer": That program extracts all 40 Styles from these eight Packs.

My questions to you:
• Could it be that there is still a bug in "StyleExtractor"?
• Is there an updated Version of the program?

Thank you in advance for your effort!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you overover. I discovered just now the process by myself.

In my case the .aus style doesn't contain the wav. The .aus file read wav from usb connected to USB port. In this way, it is only 30kB!

Thank you very much for your answer that has confirmed what I was looking for.


....ahhhhh when I try to copy it tells me Protect



I tried to copy the file as overover suggest to me. But, in downloader application when I copy .aus file into a folder in my PC, the pop up open and I can read "protect". Any suggest? The downloader is the last version I found in Yamaha site.



Audio styles usually can not be copied as they are protected files. They have to be loaded via YEM on 970.


Hi Hellen.
You use "usually". Is there a way to do it?


I made my own audio style. I needed to arrange it with assembly function. How can use it in YEM if I cannot transfer it from PSR to PC and use it in YEM?



Is it not possible to do it? Are you sure?


Quote from: overover on September 24, 2018, 11:02:42 PM
Hi jexino,

I recently tried to extract the .aus Styles from the eight "Bonus Audio Style" Packs (.ppf) on the Genos download website by using your "StyleExtractor" program (V1.0.0.4). The eight Packs contain a total of 40 Audio Styles, but only 32 of them were extracted by StyleExtractor.

So, in each Pack exactly ONE Style has not been extracted. My observation is that the missing Style is always the LAST one in the PDF lists included in every single pack.

I also tried "YEM Content Explorer": That program extracts all 40 Styles from these eight Packs.

My questions to you:
• Could it be that there is still a bug in "StyleExtractor"?
• Is there an updated Version of the program?

Thank you in advance for your effort!

Best regards,

Hello Chris

Thank you for the feedback and your eagle eyes ;-)
I appreciate it very much.  :D

Attached find you a fixed version V1.0.0.5

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: jexino on October 12, 2018, 08:09:53 AM
Hello Chris

Thank you for the feedback and your eagle eyes ;-)
I appreciate it very much.  :D

Attached find you a fixed version V1.0.0.5

Hi jexino,

thank you very much for your feedback and quick fixing of the "StyleExtractor" program!

Best regards
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi all,
considered as follow:
1) Audio Phraser: MIDI parts. When exported, this data will be stored as blank data by this software.
2) From, an audio style file has the following chunks (in order):

    Type    Purpose
    ----    ------------------------------------
    MThd    SMF header chunk
    MTrk    SMF track chunk
    CASM    Yamaha CASM chunk
    AASM    Audio assembly (descriptor) chunk
    AFil    Audio file (waveform) chunk
    OTSc    Yamaha OTS chunk
The AASM and AFil chunks are new, additional chunks beyond the known MIDI, CASM and OTS chunks.

We can use hex editor.
a) change the audiostyle from .aus in .sty
b) load the style and use style creator with assembly function to reassign the midi data as your taste
c) save it on usb. the file will be .aus
d) in hex editor open the two files and copy the AASM and AFil chunks in the .aus file you saved in the pont c).
e) copy from .sty the header MThd until Sint.
f) save the modified file as .sty

Now you can use this as a style with wav part embedded.

best regards.


Hi bernamato,
Did you solved the problem ? If yes, could you help me to do that ?





Two questions. Please excuse my ignorance, what is a .aus style? Second question, can I use a style created for Yamaha PSR 970 in my PSR 770?


Basic explanation: Audio style is a style that contains audio samples. Regular style doesn't contain audio samples: there are only midi commands which tell the keyboard what to do.

Yes, on S770 you can use normal (midi) style that was created on any PSR-S keyboard. However, it can happen that such style is using a voice(s) that doesn't exist on S700. In that case there will either be silence on that particular track or S700 will substitute the voice with the best match on your keyboard.
No, you can not use audio styles on S770.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube