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Genos2 vs Korg Pa5X

Started by GrantB, Dec 20, 2023, 07:39 AM

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Michael Trigoboff

Quote from: Christophermoment on Jan 31, 2024, 04:57 AM
mamero, was asking about which one a user should get, as a pedal is not supplied with a Genos2. The implication being that the user does not have any lying around. Then if a user needs to purchase one, why pay $20.00 more for an FC3A.

I wasn't suggesting that, although if you have an FC3A and someday Yamaha issues a firmware update that enables half-pedaling, you're all set.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22


I have become a lot wiser in my research into whether I will exchange the Genos2 for the Pa5X. On the Internet and especially on the Korg forum I read a lot of negative messages about the Pa5X and in general about the management at Korg.
Promises that are not kept, many functions that are missing compared to the Pa4X, bad updates that are also full of errors. That makes me think. Fanatic Korg fans themselves are disgraceful about how they are treated as customers, poor support from Korg. It seems to be a bit of a mess there.

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Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha Reface DX , Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


FWIW: Initially I also wanted to go for the PA5X (because of the 61 keys). Now that I have the G2 (I'v accepted 74 keys), I wouldn't trade it in anymore. I focus more on 'what I can do' with the G2 than on 'what I can't do' with the G2. Any 'bugs' will probably be fixed in due course. What I certainly CAN DO is play songs with a beautiful sound (out of the box) and a wide range of good styles.  ;)
My best regards,


Very well said Ton!

Of course healthy discussion about different keyboards (brands) is always welcome, so we can hopefully make the right choice when we decide about our next keyboard.
Yes, Korg Pa5X owners are quite upset for a while now and they have the right to be. But for sake of competition, I honestly hope that Korg will sort out that soon. Well yeah, when we buy keyboard, we can't put money on "I hope" -especially if we know that Pa5X is on the market for two years now. Other than that, I like the potential of Pa5X...

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on Feb 06, 2024, 10:48 AM

Yes, Korg Pa5X owners are quite upset for a while now and they have the right to be. But for sake of competition, I honestly hope that Korg will sort out that soon.

I have been more than happy with my day 1 Pa5x since it's launch, never had a problem with it either :)


Quote from: DaPaleRider on Feb 06, 2024, 09:40 AM
I have become a lot wiser in my research into whether I will exchange the Genos2 for the Pa5X. On the Internet and especially on the Korg forum I read a lot of negative messages about the Pa5X and in general about the management at Korg.
Promises that are not kept, many functions that are missing compared to the Pa4X, bad updates that are also full of errors. That makes me think. Fanatic Korg fans themselves are disgraceful about how they are treated as customers, poor support from Korg. It seems to be a bit of a mess there.

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I wouldn't worry to much about the people on the Korg website complaining. Look at all the whining about the Genos 2 on this site.  :) A lot of people just like to complain, I think it's a hobby for them.  ;)

Genos2, Montage M6, Maschine Micro NI, Cubase 14, Komplete 14 Ultimate, Arturia Analog Lab, HALion7, Groove Agent 5, HS8 Speakers.

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: BogdanH on Feb 06, 2024, 10:48 AM
Yes, Korg Pa5X owners are quite upset for a while now and they have the right to be.

SOME Pa5X owners do complaint, but so do G1 and even G2 owners. Just take a peek around this forum, and you will see that some is not happy that all G1 bugs still not fixed. And if G1 is not OK now, it will never be any new updates or better OS because G2 is a fact. Some even say G2 has some errors and missing features, so it remains to see what future brings. 

I have not had any issues with my Pa5X-76 so far. In fact very happy with it. I managed to make it restart itself once, and that was all my fault. Reading manuals and also tips at forums in addition to look at videos at YT before I did things I had no knowledge about would most likely prevent it to happen.

Also we have another point to take in concideration. The majority of Autocomp Arranger Keyboard users, even here at PSR Forum, that buy keyboards for the sake of the styles, is amateurs / homeplayers. Most of those users don't dive as deep into all 'pro' features and will be happy with the keyboards just as it is. Many may not notice any faults or missing features at all.
If read at Korg Forum, you'll see those who complaint, is the users that are heavily and really into the deep of most all the features there is, such as sound edit, creating styles and pads, import lots of 3rd party suff etc. On top of that, there is features that was / is present at Pa4X that still is missing at Pa5X......
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Quote from: Christophermoment on Feb 06, 2024, 12:56 PM
I wouldn't worry to much about the people on the Korg website complaining. Look at all the whining about the Genos 2 on this site.  :) A lot of people just like to complain, I think it's a hobby for them.  ;)

100% agree, I've had no issues at all with my G2 either, wonderful instrument.

However, I can't say the same for the Ketron Event unfortunately.


Quote from: BogdanH on Feb 06, 2024, 10:48 AM
Korg Pa5X owners are quite upset for a while now and they have the right to be.
I'm a Korg Pa5X user and I'm very happy with the pa5x, I also know a lot of pa5x users in real life and they are all happy and don't have any of the problems described on the internet forums.


Sorry, but if two people use the same instruments with the same software version, then they should both experience the same functions and errors, and therefore have the same problems. Unless they don't notice it, or perhaps even use the corresponding functions not.

Best regards


I am a Pa5x owner and I love the sound of it, Unlike Yamaha, Korg has revamped many, if not all, of the solo instrument sounds, but there are some very important functions like the Quick recording that are missing on the Korg Pa5x. I also have the CVP 809 and I love the sound too, the SA2 and Revo Drums are great. The problem with the CVP is that I had never seen a sequencer so ugly and so basic, of course that is until I bought my Pa5x and got into the sequencer. I always hated the sequencer on Yamaha Keyboards but now the Pa5x sequencer is even worse. I also had a Pa600 in the past and the sequencer on that keyboard is simply outstanding, I miss that beautiful sequencer, it was so easy to record a song and to edit it in a very practical and logical way.


Quote from: rodrigo.b on Feb 06, 2024, 07:05 PM
I am a Pa5x owner and I love the sound of it, Unlike Yamaha, Korg has revamped many, if not all, of the solo instrument sounds, but there are some very important functions like the Quick recording that are missing on the Korg Pa5x. I also have the CVP 809 and I love the sound too, the SA2 and Revo Drums are great. The problem with the CVP is that I had never seen a sequencer so ugly and so basic, of course that is until I bought my Pa5x and got into the sequencer. I always hated the sequencer on Yamaha Keyboards but now the Pa5x sequencer is even worse. I also had a Pa600 in the past and the sequencer on that keyboard is simply outstanding, I miss that beautiful sequencer, it was so easy to record a song and to edit it in a very practical and logical way.

Yup, both the style coding and midi coding on the PA's makes me tear my hair out. But if you *never* want to delve into those? The built in ones are great!
All the PA's I've ever sold are to customers who didn't have the inclination to make their own styles or midis. Yamaha customers are a broader range; some love style and midi coding (and ask me how to do both). But yes, you have less access to the synth aspects on a Yamaha *now* (with T4 & T5 the voice editor was on board; they were removed for YEM, I think)


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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Amwilburn on Dec 30, 2023, 08:45 PM
Registrations go further; Bogdan wants more than 4 style variations per song (as do I, actually) but my workaround is chaining registrations with *two* different styles for the same song (as long as the 2 styles are in the same folder, it's essentially instantaneous). I've done this a lot on my youtube videos; my Pirates of the Caribbean medley uses 4 styles, only 1 of which is preset.

People keep comparing Korg playlists, and yes, I can get up to 15 (?) registrations I think for 1 song, but I need to press a button, and I can't chain the order sequence via pedal, which I need to do; most of my registrations go through 40-60 changes (usually over 3 to 5 banks); a *lot* of going back and forth between 2 so quickly that it's impossible by hand. *but* most people won't need that; pretty much just those who grew up with Electone, like myself.

If you're not going to *that* level of complexity, then you don't *need* registrations. But if you have back and forth switching multiple times within a single bar, and if you need to simulate more than 4 style variations (the most I did for 1 song was 12, not even 8 variations) then there is no alternative (yet).

On the other hand, for just playing popular music out of the box? The PA5x is *great*.

Depends on your needs; it's been 1.5 years since launch and I still can't install the Middle Eastern packs (that I got from Pa3x) into the PA5x (worked on the PA4x) and there are *still* no packs (readily available) from other countries except India. Genos 2 has been out 1 month (actually less than a month in Canada, but slightly more in Europe) and not including all the old ppf packs that already work, there are already 10-20 (not all of the 2nd set of expansion packs actually works yet on G2) expansion packs that work on G2.


Exactly, my friend gave up the Korg PA5X and go for Genos2 due to missing the registration function, he is an arranger for arranging/performing complex orchestra which requires multiple styles and hundred of registrations changes per song. Definitely Korg has lost some customers due to this reason.

Missing the registration function is the main reason why I'm go for SX900 instead of PA1000, I grew up from Electone as well and heavily rely on registration for complex arrangement. I read some comment from Korg users saying that they can't replicate the complex performance done by the Yamaha PSR (Which required multiple styles and keep changing the time signature from 8/8 to 7/8 and 7/8 to 8/8 plus many of voices switching).

PSR-SX900 Owner, casual keyboard player and arranger.
Beloncfy music Youtube Channel
Beloncfy music Facebook group


Each instrument has its merits and downsides,

I have the PSR SX700 and the Korg Pa5x and believe that I have the best of both worlds.

The Korg PAAS Mk2 speaker system made for the Korg range is very powerful, and more than adequate for most use. It avoids having to have speakers and cables all over the place, something I hate.

But the quality of the Korg keyboard, in aluminium with capped wooden ends is just hugely more
professional looking  and solid feeling than the G2 with that truly awful plastic case.

But it's all down to personal choice really.  You pays your money, and you makes your choice.
They are BOTH superb keyboards.


No Yamaha keyboards at present.
Korg Pa5X /61 Arranger /Workstation
Korg PAAS Mk2 Keyboard Speaker Amp system
Technics SX-PR900 Digital Ensemble Piano
Lenovo M10 Android tablet with Lekato page turner
Roland RH-5 Monitor Headphones