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YEM Refresher

Started by rattley, Dec 17, 2023, 07:38 PM

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Hello Friends!

Please forgive me. My hatred and lack of understanding YEM has me experiencing brain freeze!

I downloaded and installed the newest YEM.  I downloaded and unzipped the Genos2  DX-7, complete pack, playlist and all the Genos1 packs.  Now what??  (bowing head in shame.....)

Some posts say some of the packs can be loaded directly into Genos2.  Others may need to be turned into a pack with YEM.  Even when I had Genos1 my YEM experience was horrible. Things either worked or they didn't leaving me with incomplete or non-working packs. If they installed successfully I haven't a clue why.

I need some instruction starting with baby steps!!  The info is here, but there is just too much of it for me to decipher. I'll bet there are still others needing YEM help. Thank you.  -charley


Hi Charley.
On YEM downloading webpage there is also YEM manual. You can start reading it because everything is in there. Nobody born already knowing things, but reading manuals this could be a very good starting point, I think.  :)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

colas musique

Good morning,

I subscribe 100% to the Validations post, namely that to progress you need a minimum of personal involvement to know how the keyboard works and read the instructions in the User Manual even if it is tedious.
In this case, we must integrate the idea that G1 packs cannot be loaded into the G2 via the YEM.

Instructions can be found in Chapter 15, pages 167 and 168 of the reference manual.

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Only those provided by Yamaha with the G2 during registration and whose links have since been posted online as well as those recently modified by Yamaha are.

Good day


Read carefully this guide. I consider it one of the best guides around!

I any case please note that you have to invest sometime, reading and experimenting.
There is no easy magic way, there is no turnaround....
It is not something difficult, but you need to invest 10 minutes to read carefully the above guide.
Avoid YT videos and reading the useless Yamaha YEM manual.


Quote from: rattley on Dec 17, 2023, 07:38 PM
Hello Friends!

Please forgive me. My hatred and lack of understanding YEM has me experiencing brain freeze!

Here are some basic instructions on how to use YEM:
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I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


Quote from: danand on Dec 18, 2023, 03:54 AM
Read carefully this guide. I consider it one of the best guides around!

Yes that is a really good guide, I would recommend anyone having trouble with getting started to read it.


Not all YT videos should be avoided, Leigh Wilberham has a video exactly how to do this and it works, I watched it to refresh my memory to set up my G2 with loading the packs and creating the usb stick from scratch, you can learn a great deal from Leigh


I have download the DX7 pack but my YEM V2.10.0 doesn't show the cpf file, what am I doing wrong.


Got there in the end.
It has been a long time since I last used YEM and I had forgotten how user unfriendly it was (to me anyway).


Hi Hawklord

What packs did you manage to download to Genos 2,I tried recently but had problems with some packs,I managed to get the Complete Pack and the DX7 but had  problems with few.I think some packs have still to be converted yet to work on G2 .I'll give it some more time and keep my eye on the forum for info when other packs are are ready to install on G2

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos


Hi Alan

I loaded the DX7, Complete and my EasySounds packs and all went in okay and sound great.


Quote from: alans on Dec 18, 2023, 09:41 AM
Hi Hawklord

What packs did you manage to download to Genos 2,I tried recently but had problems with some packs,I managed to get the Complete Pack and the DX7 but had  problems with few.I think some packs have still to be converted yet to work on G2 .I'll give it some more time and keep my eye on the forum for info when other packs are are ready to install on G2


Hi Alan,

Please note the "sticky" threads in the Genos2 board at the top, in this case especially the topic "Converted Expansion Packs for Genos2 - Download Links":
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Many thanks Chris,lots to choose from now 👌😊

Best wishes

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos


Thanks for your kind feedback, Alan! I'm glad to could help. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Hawklord on Dec 18, 2023, 09:32 AM
Got there in the end.
It has been a long time since I last used YEM and I had forgotten how user unfriendly it was (to me anyway).

If this is an unfriendly software, what to say about Cubase or any other DAW software which have a looot of functions?  ;D
YEM is the simpliest software I've ever seen. That's why it does not do what it have to do really  ;D

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Hello friends!!

Thanks for all the kind replies. The links provided are exactly what I think I need. There were just too many posts before, and some were conflicting and confusing.  -charley


Michael Trigoboff

Quote from: valimaties on Dec 18, 2023, 03:54 PM
If this is an unfriendly software, what to say about Cubase or any other DAW software which have a looot of functions?  ;D

As opposed to "user friendly," Cubase and the other DAWs are "expert tolerant."

If you are a newbie, you can expect a prolonged period of ass-kicking.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22

J. Larry

Just wondering----in purchasing a G2, do any dealers preload the free downloads, set up YEM, or add any specific packages that the buyer already has?  Or, does that service not exist, making everyone to dig for themselves?  Might they do it for an additional fee?


Dealers can't set up your YEM unless you take your computer along and they are willing to spend the time doing it. The packs you get when you register your Genos2 are very easy to load into your YEM along with any other packs you may have.


Greetings friends!

This is quite the place. You have taken me under your wings and helped me on my Genos2 journey. Today I successfully used YEM and loaded packs into Genos2. And better yet.......they all work!!  The DX7 voice pack takes me LIVE back to the 80's. I had a DX100 back then. It was the little brother to the DX7. It had mini-keys and a few less operators but it delivered that classic sound!  I also had a TX81 FM sound module. This is when I became aware and embraced MIDI. I loved layering sounds from the instruments I had at that time.

I was also able to load the Genos Complete pack, and the 10 G1 packs. I imported all of them into YEM and created a single pack. It installed perfectly and easily. My mind created my YEM nightmares. It was nowhere as difficult as I thought it would be. When importing the new packs I also saw 2 audio styles and 3 China packs I couldn't load before. They were also added to the single install pack. Sweet success!!!

According to YEM all these packs used 750/3072M. Am I missing something thinking that I can install lots of more packs? Lots of complaints on Yamaha's reduction of memory for pack installs. Is it really a problem??

A question I tried to find the answer to.... When I install more additional packs does it always re-format thereby losing already installed packs? I read about editing packs, but am not sure how to add more stuff to what exists without destroying it.

Again.....Thank you all so much for helping me. You didn't make me feel like a dummy. This really is quite the place!!  -charley


Charley, you will not destroy anything. When you install a new pack in YEM it will be added to your old stuff but it will be unselected. You have to click in the left on your Genos2 to see selected content, the newly added pack will have a grey icon. After you click on it it will become green with a white tick. If the green is darker with a darker tick, that means not all elements in the pack are selected. The next step is to export content for your keyboard. In this step you can select a quick installation. YEM will create a pack which contains only the new added content and will be no formatting on the keyboard.
From my experience I prefer to do always a full install. The memory will be formated and all samples will be in a good condition. I, and some of us, encountered some problems with quick installation, some of the samples where randomly broken in voices, so I prefer always full installation.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Yes it is good to keep the memory defragged and clean which is why it formats first on a full load.



Thanks for clearing things up. It makes sense that you only need to format once. But doing a complete pack reload makes sense too.  I didn't use a lot of expansion stuff before, but these newest packs for Genos2 are great! I can see myself using them more. Of course the onboard Genos2 voices are so good that it will have to be a really good pack to interest me.  Something I noticed was that some of the Genos2 onboard styles and voices came from those packs I installed yesterday. And a little bird told me some Genos2 styles and voices also came from other Yamaha instruments. I have no problem with Yamaha updating and recycling styles and voices. They did a great job this time around. I don't know why some heavily criticize style recycling. Just because it's brand new doesn't necessarily mean it will sound better. Best wishes.  -charley


Quote from: rattley on Dec 20, 2023, 09:13 AM
And a little bird told me some Genos2 styles and voices also came from other Yamaha instruments. I have no problem with Yamaha updating and recycling styles and voices.   -charley

Hi Charley --

More than a little bird. A few of the styles are from Clavinova CSP. Eileen noticed styles from the CVP series.

After digging through the new styles, I can assure folks that Yamaha thoroughly revise styles. New voices (FM, etc.) and new effects (REVelation reverb, Multiband compressor) are used throughout. Quite often, the drum parts are obviously reworked, too.

Standing back, I would say that Genos2 clearly has flagship status as far as styles are concerned.

All the best to ya -- pj