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Change Break in Style

Started by Ken Stenzel, Dec 05, 2023, 08:26 AM

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Ken Stenzel

I have a style that has only one beat for the break. When I go to the Basic page to change to 2 beats or more the pattern length is faded out and can't be changed. Is there a way I can change it?
Kenneth Stenzel


If I understand your question correctly, the answer is no you can not extend to 2 beats using the keyboard's Style Creature. The Yamaha Style Creator program will ask you if want to delete the notes in the style parts if you try to change them (except for the RHY2 section of the style).

The break button is always 4 beats long in each style. If the break you have is one beat and fade the other 3 beats (which is what I think is the issue). You need to search through the other styles on your keyboard and find a style with the break you want and then Copy and Paste it into your style.


hello Ken,
No, on keyboard (in StyleCreator) you can't make Break and Fill-in longer than 1 bar. If you need two bars, you should try to do it with MixMaster (or similar tool). I tried with Fill-in which works and so I assume it should work for Break as well. However, there's a catch: although duration will be two bars, only notes in first bar will play (second bar will be silent even if contains notes).
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I have run into this once in a while.

I just push the break button a second time after the first break is done.  Works for me.


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