I have a question about User styles and sounds

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Dec 03, 2023, 04:47 PM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)


I just put a midi file into the Genos 2 Midi to stylemaker and got a great conversion for ELO Telephone line.
Intro perfect and the rest as good.
I  put the grand piano in after adjusting it to sound using the REvelation reverb and saving in user sounds.
When i came to the first verse the piano sounded flat.
I went straight into the mixer and lo and behold it was on normal reverb.
Are we allowed to use REvelation on a sound with our user styles??
Have i got to look somewhere else to grab Revelation for my user sound  to use with my user style.
Just hope it is not another barrier put in front of us by Yamaha.

All the Best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Sorry for learning late as this may help someone
To get Revlation to sit nicely in a sound that you use with a user style you have to go and save the reverb from revelation in a user file. you have to do this and save in registration
In Revelation you have a little save icon bottom left. :)
Somehow it is confusing as now i find Revelation in the reverb slot.
I really need a techy to put all of this in order for me. ::)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


I think you can only use REVelation reverbs as the 'global' reverb, i.e. picking it from the 'reverb' tab on the mixer as opposed to an insert on an individual part. The global reverb does save as part of the style though when you save as a registration.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Derek
It maybe global as you say but you can turn each track down that you do not want the reverb on.
I will have another look later as the dentist beckons fo a check up.

All the besrt
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


When I say global, I mean it is a system global effect. That means there is one single algorithm and set of parameters which can be set, but you then can individually set the amount of each part that you send to the effect.

In the mixer, reverb is one global system effect and chorus is the other.

This is different from an insert effect, which can only be applied to a single part. If you want the same algorithm and set of parameters to be applied to another part, you need to assign a separate insert effect to that part.

Genos and SX also have the variation effect (formerly known as DSP1) which can also function as a system effect, but can't be assigned to panel parts - only style / song parts.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Derek
I am not a tech expert but i am open to learn. The Genos is different to say sending individual effects in a daw like Cubase and controlling each one.
There is always something on the Genos that is on the different side.

I think then it may be best to take the effects off to have dry recording which i always did on Genos 1.
I do have Revelation in Cubase 13 in which i can use sends and any other effects at the mix stage.
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


You have to realize (and know) that:

  • Revelation reverb is only usable as the main reverb, not as an insertion effect
  • The main reverb is always controlled by the style

So if you select any style (can be a preset style or a user style), the main reverb is changed to the reverb that is defined in the style.

If you create a user voice, only the send level to the reverb is saved (the volume of the voice that is send to the main reverb). Not what main reverb type should be used.

Hope that helps to clear some questions  :)