Style for Brazil

Started by Lacko, Dec 03, 2023, 11:45 AM

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Hi guys,

I am looking for style for song "Brazil" played by Ray Conniff. Even a good MIDI of Conniff's version of this song would be of big help.

Thank you in advance.

Edit: Topic title and comment edited by Roger Brenizer

luis rogerio s silva

have,...                                           Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 4 styles for you to try, Lacko. :)

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Thank you Luis and Roger.


The style MidnightSwing (preset on the SX700, jazz section) also works very well for this song.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Midnight Swing can work too, but it is not even a bit like Ray Conniff's version of Brazil.