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Going from a Tyros 4 to Genos 2

Started by janrhansen, Nov 29, 2023, 07:33 AM

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Hi guys. I sat down with a friend Yesterday with Both our newly aquired Genos 2, My Genos and a Tyros 4.

We managed to get my all my friends User registrations from his Tyros 4 loaded into the G2, and load and behold .. all registrations had no styles (just using the default G2 on startup).

We managed to get about 4 registrations made for 4 different songs by manually searching for a usable style, made a userstyle for each and put in some OTS settings.

It turned out when he got home and set his stuff up this morning all but 1 registration was gone. And I know I made sure that everything needed was ticked on before saving the Registrations

I have found some of the T4 to Genos style conversion here on the board that will propably help not having to manually finding usable styles on the G2, but since I never had a Tyros I'm not familiar how to export User Styles together with the registrations on the T4 where I think the culpit lies. My friend is not very "tech" minded and is not able to help much .. he has just saved the registrations and is happyly clueles about the fact that user OTS settings is only posible together with a userstyle.

I am tho also clueless why 3 out of the 4 registrations we made and worked fine yesterday is now not working, but I think if I were more familiar with the quircks of a T4 I could have been a bigger help in the workflow of getting everything saved correctly on th T4 before importing the registrtions into the Genos 2.

It's my understanding that my friend has made 1 Registration per song he plays and then uses the 4 OTS settings in the created userstyle for his sound setups for vers, Chorus and solo, but they have only saved the registrations on the usb and not the actual userstyle. This of cause works perfectly fine as the userstyles is already in his T4.

Any help on how he gets all his userstyles saved ?
Korg Kronos 2 73 - Korg T3
Yamaha Genos - Yamaha Genos 2
Crumar Mojo61
Roland A-80ex
Yamaha P9000 Pro slightly defunct

Gear: Ryzen 7 3800x 64gb ram
Steinberg Cubase 12
Presonus Studio 1824c


Quote from: janrhansen on Nov 29, 2023, 07:33 AM
It's my understanding that my friend has made 1 Registration per song he plays and then uses the 4 OTS settings in the created userstyle for his sound setups for vers, Chorus and solo

First, congrats on your new keyboard!

Second, he is using the Registrations and OTS "wrong". The idea is, to save a voice to a registration, not to OTS. So, the "Yamaha way" would be to use one registration bank for a song, and for example registration 1 for verse, 2 for chorus, 3 for solo, etc.

This is a very powerful and flexible system. Registration buttons are therefore positioned in the center of the keyboard, so you can easily reach them with either hand.

Yamaha Genos2, Yamaha HS7 monitors + HS8S subwoofer, Reaper DAW


Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, janrhansen!

Regarding Tyros4: If the data (registration bank files, user styles, etc.) is on a USB stick, please simply connect this stick to the Genos2 and make sure that this is the first/only stick connected (so that it is shown as "USB 1" on the Genos2).

If the data is on the Tyros4 hard drive (HD1), please do the following:
- Connect the Tyros4 USB-to-Host port to the computer using a USB "AB" cable.
- Start the Tyros4 in USB storage mode with the MUSIC FINDER button pressed.
- Open Windows Explorer (or Finder if you are using a Mac computer).
- The Tyros4 HD will be displayed here as a new removable drive after a short time.
- Create a folder named "Tyros4 Backup" or similar anywhere on the computer hard drive.
- Open the Tyros4 hard drive on the computer, select all the data there (on Windows with Ctrl+A), copy this data (on Windows with Ctrl+C) and paste it into the previously created folder (on Windows with Ctrl+V).
- Now copy the CONTENTS of this backup folder (not the folder itself!) onto a USB stick so that the folder structure is identical to the Tyros4 hard drive.
- Connect this stick to the Genos2. Make sure that this is the first/only stick connected and that it is displayed as "USB 1". It doesn't matter which USB-to-device port you use on the Genos2. However, if another stick is already connected to the lower USB port (flap on the bottom), it will not work because it will be recognized as "USB 1" when switched on and the second stick connected would then get "USB 2".

Note that Tyros4 registrations that use user styles will NOT work anymore if you copy all data to the Genos2 User drive. In this case, you would have to change all registrations (relink styles) because the User drive has a different drive letter and also has a different folder structure (due to the main folders in the User drive that are fixed by the System) than the data on the USB stick.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


If your friend has used user or third party styles they need to be in a folder then they need to be relinked to the registrations again and re-saved. The registrations will then use the styles in that folder. Remember
never to move the styles around or the links will be broken.


Quote from: maartenb on Nov 29, 2023, 08:25 AM
he is using the Registrations and OTS "wrong". The idea is, to save a voice to a registration, not to OTS. So, the "Yamaha way" would be to use one registration bank for a song, and for example registration 1 for verse, 2 for chorus, 3 for solo, etc.

This is a very powerful and flexible system. Registration buttons are therefore positioned in the center of the keyboard, so you can easily reach them with either hand.


Ya I agree. The best way is just to use the Registrations .. one bank per song. I am still learning the Genos quirks mysel as I've only had the Genos for 6 months when Genos 2 came out. At that time i had to buy as my trusty P9000 Pro started giving up even I kinda knew there was a new version on the Horizon
It was teasing me a bit when I got the original Genos, that Yamaha didn't make a "Create New Reg bank" in the menu. This should have been caught years ago. And they still havn't found out in the new one. I think many users is used to having a set ammount of Reg banks from the older arrangers where you could step thru even empty banks. Now it's just files saved in the User memory so you can theoretically have unlimited ammount of banks. Took me a couple hours to realize the only way was to save it as a new file and write new settings in it. I find it very odd that Yamaha havn't heard of this problem from other frustrated users ::) ,, but most keyboards have their quircks, and Yamaha have a long reputation on doing things the "Yamaha way" even it often dont make any logical sense why they have to do certain things so complicated :D ... and to Yamaha come on fix the darn keyzone of Left, Right 1-4 setup to be independent. It was a total gamechanger when you did this with the last update to the PSR9000 line to have overlapping keyzones when not using the accompagnement.
Korg Kronos 2 73 - Korg T3
Yamaha Genos - Yamaha Genos 2
Crumar Mojo61
Roland A-80ex
Yamaha P9000 Pro slightly defunct

Gear: Ryzen 7 3800x 64gb ram
Steinberg Cubase 12
Presonus Studio 1824c


Quote from: EileenL on Nov 29, 2023, 06:19 PM
If your friend has used user or third party styles they need to be in a folder then they need to be relinked to the registrations again and re-saved. The registrations will then use the styles in that folder. Remember never to move the styles around or the links will be broken.

Hi Eileen,

With the method I described above (copying the entire Tyros4/5 hard drive contents to a USB stick, without changing the folder structure), the user styles in the registrations do NOT have to be relinked, but everything will work directly from the USB stick without any changes. This is possible because the drive letter "E:/" (= internal Tyros4/5 HD) in the Tyros registrations is automatically substituted by "I:/" (= USB 1) on Genos/Genos2.

This method is also described in the two brochures "Genos Upgrade Guide" and "Easily Upgrade to Genos":
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● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Nov 29, 2023, 08:39 AM
Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, janrhansen!

Regarding Tyros4: If the data (registration bank files, user styles, etc.) is on a USB stick, please simply connect this stick to the Genos2 and make sure that this is the first/only stick connected (so that it is shown as "USB 1" on the Genos2).

If the data is on the Tyros4 hard drive (HD1), please do the following:
- Connect the Tyros4 USB-to-Host port to the computer using a USB "AB" cable.
- Start the Tyros4 in USB storage mode with the MUSIC FINDER button pressed.
- Open Windows Explorer (or Finder if you are using a Mac computer).
- The Tyros4 HD will be displayed here as a new removable drive after a short time.
- Create a folder named "Tyros4 Backup" or similar anywhere on the computer hard drive.
- Open the Tyros4 hard drive on the computer, select all the data there (on Windows with Ctrl+A), copy this data (on Windows with Ctrl+C) and paste it into the previously created folder (on Windows with Ctrl+V).
- Now copy the CONTENTS of this backup folder (not the folder itself!) onto a USB stick so that the folder structure is identical to the Tyros4 hard drive.
- Connect this stick to the Genos2. Make sure that this is the first/only stick connected and that it is displayed as "USB 1". It doesn't matter which USB-to-device port you use on the Genos2. However, if another stick is already connected to the lower USB port (flap on the bottom), it will not work because it will be recognized as "USB 1" when switched on and the second stick connected would then get "USB 2".

Note that Tyros4 registrations that use user styles will NOT work anymore if you copy all data to the Genos2 User drive. In this case, you would have to change all registrations (relink styles) because the User drive has a different drive letter and also has a different folder structure (due to the main folders in the User drive that are fixed by the System) than the data on the USB stick.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

Thanx. That makes sense .. at least for me. My friend tho will never grasp that level of complexity of direct and relative links in the file structure.

I actually am a little uncertain what is best with the Genos files in the onboard User memory area. I like to have a good file structure with styles in one folder, sounds in another (onboard edits of the presets) etc. and mostly use usb sicks as "backups" in case something goes wrong. I absolutely hate to just dump everything in the root. EG. I downloaded the Playlist and put it in a folder "Playlist for Genos2" in the root, but as the Genos only shows what is in the current folder and a very tiny font with the file structure, even for me I get confused sometimes where I am. When I have made a "User Registrations" folder also in the root for my registration Banks.
It's a bit the same when you are in the main display mode. You don't really have a good view of what Registration bank and registration you are on.
I kinda liked the way the registrations is shown on the older Tyros models in bigger labels on the screen
Korg Kronos 2 73 - Korg T3
Yamaha Genos - Yamaha Genos 2
Crumar Mojo61
Roland A-80ex
Yamaha P9000 Pro slightly defunct

Gear: Ryzen 7 3800x 64gb ram
Steinberg Cubase 12
Presonus Studio 1824c


Quote from: overover on Nov 30, 2023, 06:13 AM
Hi Eileen,

With the method I described above (copying the entire Tyros4/5 hard drive contents to a USB stick, without changing the folder structure), the user styles in the registrations do NOT have to be relinked, but everything will work directly from the USB stick without any changes. This is possible because the drive letter "E:/" (= internal Tyros4/5 HD) in the Tyros registrations is automatically substituted by "I:/" (= USB 1) on Genos/Genos2.

This method is also described in the two brochures "Genos Upgrade Guide" and "Easily Upgrade to Genos":
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Ahh .. that way he can just have it on the usb and it will work .. thanx .. I will check those links out. It was mainly what was frustrating me that they tell you it is just "snap your finger" easy to move all your stuff from a Tyros over ... turns out it is a bit more complex than that  ;D My guess is that there is many users that will need hep doing this by a person that knows what their doing or are not complete novices in finding this stuff on the net.
Korg Kronos 2 73 - Korg T3
Yamaha Genos - Yamaha Genos 2
Crumar Mojo61
Roland A-80ex
Yamaha P9000 Pro slightly defunct

Gear: Ryzen 7 3800x 64gb ram
Steinberg Cubase 12
Presonus Studio 1824c


Thanks for your feedback Jan!

The "problem" with the Genos2 User drive is that (as with Genos(1) and all Tyros/PSR-S and SX models) fixed main folders specified by the System are used for the individual file types. (And these main folders are not visible at all directly on the keyboard!) The User drive also has a different drive letter (C:/) than the first USB stick (I:/).

Therefore a 1:1 backup of the User drive on a USB stick will not work from the stick (at least when it comes to registrations and playlists). This means that such a backup would first have to be transferred back to the User drive (which can actually only be done in USB storage mode with the computer, because you would have to copy each file type individually directly on the keyboard).

Basically, I recommend working directly with USB sticks (only ONE stick connected at a time). In this way you can easily make backups of the USB stick(s) and carry them with you. In the event of an error, simply use one of the backup sticks and everything is fine. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)