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Started by YBG, Nov 19, 2023, 01:51 PM

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Hi There,
Is the TYROS5_InstrumentInfo.n27 File consist of the instrument info or the Flash Memory card Info.
The reason I asks is because I want to replace the Flash Memory Card of 1 Giga to another one of 2 Giga.
Is The TYROS5_PackInstallData.cpi I have got currently installed on the 1 Giga Card can be installed on 2 Giga or I've to get a new Info


It contains Instrument details of who it is registered to.




Quote from: YBG on Nov 19, 2023, 01:51 PM
Hi There,
Is the TYROS5_InstrumentInfo.n27 File consist of the instrument info or the Flash Memory card Info.
The reason I asks is because I want to replace the Flash Memory Card of 1 Giga to another one of 2 Giga.
Is The TYROS5_PackInstallData.cpi I have got currently installed on the 1 Giga Card can be installed on 2 Giga or I've to get a new Info


After upgrading to the 2GB Expansion Memory module, you should definitely export the Instrument Info file (.n27) again from the keyboard to a USB stick. The . n27 file contains the following information:

1. Instrument model (Tyros5 - 61 or Tyros5-76)
2  Serial Number
3. Size of the built-in expansion memory

Delete the previous Tyros5 Install Target from YEM and then import the new .n27 file. When you click on the new Install Target, the available "Voice Wave Size" should display a value of "2047 MB".

By the way, I recommend using the current YEM version, currently V2.10.0. However, if you use Windows, note that this version only supports Windows 11 and 10.

Important: It is not possible to load an existing .cpi Pack Install file back into the YEM. Instead, you have to select the desired packs/contents again in YEM and use "Save Pack Install File" to save a new .cpi file on the USB stick.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you very much for the explanations and suggestions.

Currently I have a problem.
Somebody has sent me 7 CPF files with the new Info.
When I try to create the CPI file it comes with an error:
The selected keyboard does not support 128-note Drum Kits. All unsupported Drum Kits are Deleted
I've tried to create CPI from each CPF separately and discovered that one of the CPF that consist of the Drum samples is causing the problem.
Any idea of why it happens and what can be done.

Thanks in advance


Quote from: YBG on Nov 22, 2023, 05:44 PM
Thank you very much for the explanations and suggestions.

Currently I have a problem.
Somebody has sent me 7 CPF files with the new Info.
When I try to create the CPI file it comes with an error:
The selected keyboard does not support 128-note Drum Kits. All unsupported Drum Kits are Deleted
I've tried to create CPI from each CPF separately and discovered that one of the CPF that consist of the Drum samples is causing the problem.
Any idea of why it happens and what can be done.

Thanks in advance

Thanks for your feedback, YBG!

The reason for the problem described is that Tyros5 does not support 128-note drum kits (like the PSR-A5000 does, for example). If the packs in question are paid software, you would have to ask the pack manufacturer to deliver the PPF packs to you again in Tyros5 compatible format (maximum C#-1 to G5 drum note range). See also the attached screenshot, which shows the usable drum note range on the Tyros5.

If it is not paid software (but free packs), you could ask the creator to at least send you the packs as non-protected .ppf pack files. Then you should be able to open/edit the relevant drum kit voices in YEM (remove drum notes outside of the above-mentioned note range. However, I have never tried the latter before, so I can't give you any instructions.

Best regards,

[attachment unavailable]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)