Adding an Extra Bar Using Style Creator

Started by maarkr, Nov 24, 2023, 02:38 PM

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style creator - why is it adding an extra bar after I set all sections to pattern length 4, it plays back as a 5 bar loop.  OK, after looking at many other things, I guess the Chord Looper I recorded went past the 4 bars throwing the style into 5 bars... and to get a tight stop on the last chord, using the style Stop Button is better than using the Chord Looper Stop button.
Hope more than me learn from that.  Any other Gotchas or tricks using style creator would be good.  I did get Phr1 to work good with guitar after changing to CMaj and NTR/NTT to guitar all-purpose.

Edit: Topic title edited by Roger Brenizer
aka Gene Maarkr. PSR-SX900, FA-06, PX-5S, Yamaha HS10 monitors w sub, Yamaha drums, Epi Les Paul, Yamaha bass, Studio One DAW w Waves, NI, IKM, iZotope.