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Genos2 GNS-MS01 fintetuning question

Started by DaPaleRider, Nov 23, 2023, 10:24 AM

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Hi All,

I am a first time Genos (2) owner upgraded from the PSR-SX900. I purchased the GNS-MS01 speaker system
Are there some tips or settings that need to be set for optimal sound quality?
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


Just select the EQ and compressor settings from the pre-sets that sound good to you in your surroundings.


Does anyone has some advanced tipste get the most out these speakers?
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,

Toril S

That s up to you and your hearing. We all hear differently. Try the presets first.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Try your pre-set ones on Genos 2 and choose the one that suits you. These little speakers work very well.


I'm also switching from the SX900 to the G2. I was very satisfied with the built-in speakers of the SX900. I did have a set with a subwoofer (Logitech Z5300) that supplemented it with a full, deep sound and sufficient bass. I decided to purchase a Yamaha HS7 set because I cannot leave the GNS-ms01 set on the keyboard in my modest home studio. While awaiting the delivery of the Genos2, I connected this to the SX900 and I must say that they give the SX900 a significant upgrade in terms of clarity and power of the sound.(My wife said: why another Keyboard? pff.. narrow escape  ;D) In fact, with the HS7 you don't need a subwoofer (home studio and tastes differ). I expect this will also be the case for the G2, so that set will certainly do its job with the G2.
My best regards,


You will find Genos2 has its own EQ settings for these speaker now.


Thank you @EileenL, I had already understood/read that. Glad this was added. I generally adjust the 'master EQ' and save that in a 'User EQ' as this is a very personal taste. I also fine-tune many songs (via Register Memory) to my own taste. Perhaps the new 'reverbs': Dynamic Cntrl and Revelation and Ambient will ensure less 'tuning' or maybe more?? With my SX900 I occasionally missed the 7 sliders to make it easier to 'fine tune' on the flow. But at the time it was difficult to see on my former Genos(1) (black on black). So I am now happy with those encoders and lights on the sliders.  ;)
My best regards,


Quote from: EileenL on Nov 26, 2023, 10:29 AM
You will find Genos2 has its own EQ settings for these speaker now.

I cannot find that specific EQ setting. What is its name? Thank you for the tip by the way  :D
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


They are under  <MIXER> <master EQ> <HS7, HS8 etc.> (see page 131 Reference Manual), but not specific for the GNS-MO1 .. 8)
But is better to make your own to your liking and save those under USER-EQ  ;)
My best regards,


Quote from: ton37 on Nov 27, 2023, 08:15 AM
They are under  <MIXER> <master EQ> <HS7, HS8 etc.> (see page 131 Reference Manual), but not specific for the GNS-MO1 .. 8)
haha ok that's why I couldn't find it specifically for the GNS-M01  ;)
Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha CK61, Yamaha SEQTRAK, Korg Pa5X, Roland Boutique D-05/TR-08/JD-08, Roland Go:KEYS 5, Roland AIRA S-1/T-8/J-6, Logic Pro,


As I wrote, make some EQ's to your own liking and save them. To start you can use 'EQ-gold' (a user eq too). Pls. do a search on this forum and you will find some.
My best regards,


GNS-MS01 loudspeaker system
have the loudness setting - for me the best setting for these speakers