Are voice lists editable to be able to manually insert "user data" voices?

Started by oxyGenos, Nov 18, 2023, 11:23 AM

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Excellent and well structured software with a very usable interface. Would anyone be able to tell me if it is possible to edit the "voice list" -> so that it can associate with the styles generated also "user data" voices? And if so, how? Thank you :)
Starting keyboard: PSR5700 on 1987

Des O

You need to insert the voice file txt document found on yamaha specific to your keyboard. In the edit section when you start the program load that file.
A very good yamaha video shows you instructions. And how to change voices etc.


Welcome to the Forum!

You should be able to do this, no prob, as long as you know the Bank Select MSB, Bank Select LSB and Program Change number of the user voice.

The voice lists are text files with a simple structure. Make a copy of the original voice list file just in case something goes wrong and you need to start over. Then, open the voice list (or its copy) in a text editor. No fancy tools.

Study the file structure. Compare it with the Data List PDF for the keyboard. Get a feel for the structural pattern of the data. Then make a single change and try it out.

I would suggest creating a new group of voices at the [g1] or [g2] level. Create something like:

    [g1]User Voices

Then create new voice definitions using the Bank Select and Program Change number, e.g.,

    [p2,2,0,113]Regular CP80 Stage

The "p2" tells the tool that this line is a voice definition. The "2" is the nesting level of the definition. If the definition is in a [g1] section, then use "p2". If the definition is in a [g2] section, then use "p3".

The next three numbers are Program Number, Bank Select MSB, and Bank Select LSB, e.g. 2, 0, 113 (above).

The stuff in square brackets is followed by the voice type (S.Art!, Cool!, Regular, whatever) and the voice name.

I'm sure the Yamaha tool just snarfs data from a voice list data file and creates menus from it. As far as voice numbers and voice name, it's just garbage in, garbage out.

Please give it a try. Report back. Be the first on your block!  :)

All the best -- pj


Quote from: pjd on Nov 18, 2023, 01:17 PM
Welcome to the Forum!

You should be able to do this, no prob, as long as you know the Bank Select MSB, Bank Select LSB and Program Change number of the user voice.

The voice lists are text files with a simple structure. Make a copy of the original voice list file just in case something goes wrong and you need to start over. Then, open the voice list (or its copy) in a text editor. No fancy tools.

Study the file structure. Compare it with the Data List PDF for the keyboard. Get a feel for the structural pattern of the data. Then make a single change and try it out.

I would suggest creating a new group of voices at the [g1] or [g2] level. Create something like:

    [g1]User Voices

Then create new voice definitions using the Bank Select and Program Change number, e.g.,

    [p2,2,0,113]Regular CP80 Stage

The "p2" tells the tool that this line is a voice definition. The "2" is the nesting level of the definition. If the definition is in a [g1] section, then use "p2". If the definition is in a [g2] section, then use "p3".

The next three numbers are Program Number, Bank Select MSB, and Bank Select LSB, e.g. 2, 0, 113 (above).

The stuff in square brackets is followed by the voice type (S.Art!, Cool!, Regular, whatever) and the voice name.

I'm sure the Yamaha tool just snarfs data from a voice list data file and creates menus from it. As far as voice numbers and voice name, it's just garbage in, garbage out.

Please give it a try. Report back. Be the first on your block!  :)

All the best -- pj

Thanks Infinite PJD, your explanations are very clear and I have already done a couple of tests checking that it works!

Example: I saw that from the Voice selection menu -> the display of the bank codes is activated -> i look for "#063-032-001" Gran Coda Concert, which I have in the user / expansion / Gran Coda /-> in the editing of the list can be described as [P2,2,63,32]. And it works!

I saw that in the case of the user voices not present in the folder expansion, unfortunately the MSB /LSB codes associated with each item are not indicated. But in my case it does not represent a problem because I was interested in working on the voices of the Expansion area.

Thanks again PJD of your very useful advices  :)
Starting keyboard: PSR5700 on 1987


In addition to PJ post, I must tell you that some of the data list on yamaha's website prints PC numbers in 1-128. In your voice list file you must insert the values from 0-127, so you must substract 1 from the voice PC number.
For example, if the voice parameters are in 1-128 range on the data list like
18      0     105

you must create the record in voice list as:
[p2,104,18,0]<VoiceType> <VoiceName>

Be attention on <VoiceType> it MUST be there (like Cool!, or SArt!, or Regular, etc), otherwise it will not display anything.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: valimaties on Nov 23, 2023, 04:32 AM
In addition to PJ post, I must tell you that some of the data list on yamaha's website prints PC numbers in 1-128. In your voice list file you must insert the values from 0-127, so you must substract 1 from the voice PC number.
For example, if the voice parameters are in 1-128 range on the data list like
18      0     105

you must create the record in voice list as:
[p2,104,18,0]<VoiceType> <VoiceName>

Be attention on <VoiceType> it MUST be there (like Cool!, or SArt!, or Regular, etc), otherwise it will not display anything.


Thanks for your annotation Vali, I put into practice! :)
Starting keyboard: PSR5700 on 1987


Thanks for catching that, Vali!

Sometimes the documentation writers are good about specifying the base index for Program Change numbers -- sometimes not.

In the documentation, you'll often see "PC# (1-128)". In reality, the PC# is mapped into the binary range 0 to 127.

This can drive you mad when the base index is not specified in the documentation!  ;D

All the best -- pj