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Genos 1 Backup -> Genos 2?

Started by Michael Trigoboff, Nov 21, 2023, 03:15 AM

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Michael Trigoboff

I just got my G2, and I'm thinking about the best way to transfer my settings, registrations, chord loopers, etc.

Is it possible / a good idea to restore a Genos 1 backup to a Genos 2?

Is the Storage Mode way via a computer a better choice?

Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Des O

I would use the back up facility on Genos, in the menu page 2 to save everything to PC and USB just in case.

Des O

Maybe this thread may help.

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Quote from: Michael Trigoboff on Nov 21, 2023, 03:15 AM
the best way to transfer my settings, registrations, chord loopers, etc.

Since the styles are remixed and remastered in Genos2, and some do sound different from the Genos (1), I want to redo my registrations. I just copied them to a Genos1 folder on my Genos2. I will then one by one redo them and save them in the "normal" G2 folder.

Yamaha Genos2, Yamaha HS7 monitors + HS8S subwoofer, Reaper DAW