Is it true Genos 2 styles will not work on Genos 1?

Started by Dnj, Nov 15, 2023, 07:31 PM

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Is it true Genos 2 styles will not work correctly on Genos 1
because of the different sound engines etc, etc, ..?

Eric, B

Generally they don't work because of missing voices and drum kits.
I am sure we will see converted styles, but they will not sound the same.
I never really liked the conversions in previous models/years.
Something was always missing.
Genos, PSR-S970

Fred Smith

Quote from: Dnj on Nov 15, 2023, 07:31 PM
Is it true Genos 2 styles will not work correctly on Genos 1
because of the different sound engines etc, etc, ..?

They will work on G1, as they both support SFF2 styles. Whether they sound the same is a different issue, as it depends on the voices the keyboard has.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I think they will even work in my S950 (a 10 year old) keyboard. Currently I use SX900 and Genos styles with my S950 (at least the parts I need to create a custom specific song style).

It's easy to find a missing OTS voice to use (as those are the voices usually missing).
If the drum pattern has a few "weird" sounds, you just delete them (those sound are not needed in most cases) with the style creator.

Balancing the whole finished tweaked style just takes a good ear (or trial and error if your are just learning).
You can't break any thing with the style, so go for it (when they become available).


Maybe its Yamahas way of protecting their styles from being shared?


I don't think all of the style will work. Some does, some not. Why? Simply. Look at the style creator function, there are couple of things they added in G2 from PSR-A5000, like Section Time Signature, which will add a time signature to each section of the style (Intros, Mains, fills endings). In this case, G1 cannot read those styles, unless they will update the OS, which I don't believe it will. If we look at their website G1 it was tagged as discontinued.
However, it could be that some of the styles to work, those which time signature parameter is not stored to each section and style time signature is written only in Int section of the style. In this case, they could work. We must know that there are some other things that we must be taking care of: the new drums and percussions, those Ambient ones. Seems they will add some other parameters in style, wich G1 does not know about.
Finally, it might be an issue with some other unknown parameters in new styles. First time they will be published by someone maybe our lovely programmers on this forum will look inside and they could tell us if it can be done or not.

Best regards,
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: valimaties on Nov 16, 2023, 08:59 AM
.... unless they will update the OS, which I don't believe it will. If we look at their website G1 it was tagged as discontinued.

Yeah, I noticed that too, so you're probably right.
It most likely wishful thinking to wait for any kind of OS fixes or updates and any other sort of 'big news' addressed to G1 in the future.
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


As to style compatibility, I don't see any immediate issues. SFF GE (SFF2) is SFF GE.

The only aspect I wonder about is the Dynamic Control. Of course, Genos1 doesn't have it, so it's a moot point.

I suspect Dynamic Control is an extension of the Adaptive Style (DGX-670) concept, putting busy-ness and dynamics under direct manual control (i.e., a knob or slider). I wonder if the new G2 styles have the same meta-data chunk in the style MIDI file?

Inquiring (nerd) minds want to know -- pj  ;)

P.S. At some point I would appreciate getting a few G2 styles to investigate... PM me.



From what has been said (and not said) and demoed, it sounds like the Dynamic Control just modifies the velocities/volumes of the accompaniment instruments.  I haven't seen anything that indicates instruments/tracks are added or subtracted.  The fact that it works with user-created styles would seem to support this.


And what about the new voices?
I was blown away by the Duduk Meditation voice during the voice and style demo by Martin Harris.
I would love to have that voice on my Genos1


Quote from: pjd on Nov 16, 2023, 07:35 PM
As to style compatibility, I don't see any immediate issues. SFF GE (SFF2) is SFF GE.

The only aspect I wonder about is the Dynamic Control. Of course, Genos1 doesn't have it, so it's a moot point.

I suspect Dynamic Control is an extension of the Adaptive Style (DGX-670) concept, putting busy-ness and dynamics under direct manual control (i.e., a knob or slider). I wonder if the new G2 styles have the same meta-data chunk in the style MIDI file?

Inquiring (nerd) minds want to know -- pj  ;)

P.S. At some point I would appreciate getting a few G2 styles to investigate... PM me.

Hi PJD. 
Was interested that you mentioned the 670 adaptive styles as an ex. of dynamic,, but as i understand the dynamic control only
affects volume levels and not style.   In the 670 , how loud one plays affects the variations so that if you want to play variation
1  at a louder dynamic level,, the machine won't let you.   The less strong the playing the machine reverts back to variation A or B.
If this Genos 2 has a dynamic effect, volume wise on each style then it is different from the 670 adaptives which i have reviewed
previously as not my favorites.
Not to digress, however,, i have used the big FC7 pedal on my genos , also the sx900 to control the volume levels of styles.
as sometimes just wanted a softer less strong back band.   If you look at the assignables on that pedal you can choose to
affect the volume on the styles with your foot.    Does anybody else think this might be a viable work around to some of us who
might opt out of the new machine???? 
I am only assuming that the genos 2 control dynamics on a style affects volume.  and if am wrong stand to be corrected.

good post PJD



Edit: Roger Brenizer moved Elaine's comment outside the quoted post
\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Thanks for your post, Elaine.

Wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong.  :)

I won't be moving from G1 to G2, but I am waiting on a CSP-170. I'm curious to find out if CSP can handle Adaptive Styles like DGX-670. It's a neat idea for piano-folk who don't want to deal with button pressing.  ;) In the case of CSP, no panel buttons at all!

Please stay safe -- pj