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Auto accompaniment, single finger chord chart

Started by Zawinal, Apr 15, 2024, 09:50 AM

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Hello folks I have a PSRSX 900 And all I like to do with this because I'm not really a piano player is used the auto accompaniment and read books And I just played the Chords with auto accompaniment on, unfortunately I don't think the cords show up on the screen. I need to have a shot with the correct fingering for different cords. I hope you understand what I'm asking. Can anybody possibly help me out? I need a cheat chart. Thank you very much


Hello Zawinal

Welcome to the forum, this the best Yamaha forum on the internet. Here is a link to our Main page with a lot of how to lesson and free additional styles for your keyboard.
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ON the main screen when you first start up the keyboard, you will see :
BAR        001
BEAT        1
CHORD     C     <-- this is where the chord you are playing appears.

Using the single-finger method, you can easily play all major, minor, seventh, and minor seventh chords:
•   In this mode, you need only press a single key, the "root" value of the chord, as described above to trigger any major chord. 
•   For a minor chord, you press two keys at once, the root key and a black key to the left of that root. For example, to signal the Em chord, you would press simultaneously the Eb1 (the first black key to the left of the E key) key and the E1 key .
•   For the seventh chord, simultaneously press the root key and a white key to its left.  (E7 would be signaled by pressing simultaneously D1 and E1.)
•   For a minor seventh chord, simultaneously press the root key and both a white and black key to its left.  (Em7 would require pressing D1 and Eb1 and E1 all at the same time.)

Chord you can make for example are:
C, Cm, C7 and Cm7
F, Fm, F7 and Fm7
G, Gm, G7 and Gm7

A song in the key of C could use the chords: C, Am, Dm, F, G and Em as an example.  That is all you need for playing pop songs since the 1950's

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Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, zawinal!

Please read the following post first (see also the attached screenshot there):
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Information on setting the Chord Fingering Type and related topics can be found in the SX900 Reference Manual starting on page 8. If you don't have the Reference Manual yet, you can download it here:
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By the way, I strongly recommend NOT using the "Single Finger" fingering type. Instead, use "Multi Finger", here you can play with the Single Finger method as well as play chords normally (Fingered), i.e. with at least three fingers.

To check or change the set Fingering Type, press "Direct Access > ACMP" (or "Menu > Split & Fingering") to bring up the Split Point & Fingering display. To save changes made, close the settings display (press EXIT or touch the X icon).

Please note that the current Fingering Type is always memorized in Registrations (if the STYLE box is ticked). If you always play with the same Fingering Type and want to make sure this is changed by Registrations where a different Fingering Type may be memorized, go to "Menu > Utility > Parameter Lock" and tick the "Fingering Type" box there.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Apr 15, 2024, 10:46 AM
By the way, I strongly recommend NOT using the "Single Finger" fingering type. Instead, use "Multi Finger"...
Fully agree on that!

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
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