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sharing styles

Started by rattley, Oct 21, 2023, 08:37 PM

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I read a post earlier this evening and now I can't find it.   The post talked about the possibilities of sharing user tweaked styles.  The poster thought it would be a good idea to share ones edited styles and mentioned copyright issues. I thought we have been doing this very thing right here?  I thought it was completely legal.  However way back I received threatening letters from Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login about some of my GEM styles that they claimed came from some of their midi files. Those styles were eventually removed.

What about 3rd party styles?   What are the rules?  How much do you have to tweak a style or song for it not to be plagiarized?  Can you just change a few velocity settings or must it be a more elaborate edit to qualify?   You might remember Led Zeppelin getting sued over Stairway to Heaven. A few years ago they were successfully sued by another band years and years after its release.  I hope I'm not opening a can of worms........  -charley



That comment about sharing tweaked style presets was probably from me from a post several days ago.

The styles here are from presets from various Yamaha keyboards that users can download, that should be no legal issue. There are no 3rd party styles or tweaked 3rd party styles, that are currently sold elsewhere, shared here. I would never share 3rd party content, even if tweaked. To answer your question, copyright infringement would probably be a case by case situation as in any artistic dispute, rather than a specific set of existing rules, but I am not a lawyer.

What I meant in the post was a suggestion that I would like to see users share their tweaked/edited/newly created styles, based off the presets, not 3rd party content.  If they are voluntarily shared that would create no legal issues. This is not what is offered here in the styles download section. As I said, those are all preset styles from different keyboards. What I am proposing, and this is really a suggestion for Yamaha, not this forum to implement, is something very similar to Yamaha's Soundmondo resource, where synth users can upload and share their tweaked patches or even own creations from scratch as long as they are based off preset waveforms, not 3rd party waveforms. Or in the case of arrangers, based off preset styles. I hope that makes sense.
SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


Yamaha tried this several years ago with registrations. It was called Repertoire Finder.

They abandoned it though.




Thanks for the reply.

I remember that Repertoire Finder fondly.  When it was discontinued I felt like I was the only one to miss not having it.  -charley



I'd rather have a style resource than registrations.
SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


There is still a link on Yamaha's site. As pointed out it was discontinued but is still interesting.

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Quote from: p$manK32 on Oct 22, 2023, 09:02 PM
I'd rather have a style resource than registrations.

I was simply showing the feature to demonstrate how interested they are in providing none profit making features.




I think this died off because no one was interested in sharing. They just wanted to Take Take Take. Same old story really.


Sad but true Eileen!  -charley