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App for recording with an iPad

Started by rough, Oct 15, 2023, 07:20 AM

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Hello all
What iOS app would you suggest for recording a digital source with an iPad?
My keyboard only has audio out so that I'm using a Behringer digital converter connected to the iPad through the midi/camera lighting cable.
So I just only need a vety basic stereo recording app capable of creating a digital file (wav, mp3 etc...) from the source.
I wish not to go with Garage Band since it's oversized compared to what I need to do,
I'd prefer a very light and simple 'record-stop-and-play' recording app.

Edit: another option would be to buy a simple digital audio recorder such as a Tascam or similar instead of using the iPad. Would I get a better audio quality by directly recording the audio-out signal from the keyboard with a digital recorder, rather then going through an analog-digital converter and then recording with the iPad?
My YouTube cover channel


ShurePlus MOTIV works really well. It is simple and optimized for seamless sharing and file management in iOS. It was designed by Shure for use with their interfaces, but it works well with any interface into an iPhone or iPad.
