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Finnish styles

Started by hiltsi, Sep 13, 2019, 11:29 AM

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Is anybody having suomikompit for Tyros2? :)



Are you looking for some special style?

Etsitkö jotakin erityistä tyyliä?

Looking for a special style?




Juke löytyykö sulta lavatanssien peruskompit: humppa, valssi, tango jne

Does Juke have the basic set for stage dances: hump, waltz, tango, etc?


Hello Oopee!

Yes, I think that I have a few Finnish styles. I will check those tomorrow...

What kind of keyboard you have? My styles are SFF2 styles, if you have Tyros 2 or older keyboard you  have to convert styles, you find more details and software from   
It`s great site, you can find a lot useful information from there...




On minulla joitakin suomikomppeja, voin katsoa huomenna. Millä soittimella soitat? Jos sinulla on Tyros 2 tai vanhempi malli, sinun täytyy varmaankin konvertoida minun tyylini, ne ovat muotoa SFF2 (minulla on S975). Löydät lisätietoa ja konvertointiohjelman osoitteesta  Se on muutenkin erittäin hyvä sivusto, paljon hyvää tietoa ja käteviä ohjelmia. Tai voihan olla että olet hyvinkin kokenut soittaja ja tiedät nämä entuudestaan.

Palataan asiaan,



Ryszard Bieszczad

Hello oopee
Here you have Finnish styles.
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A day without making music is a lost day :)


Hello Oopee!

Here are a few traditional Finnish styles, two walzes, two tangos, two 2/2 styles (humppa) and one beguine.
You have to open this zip file , when you have loaded it first to your computer

If you have any problems, please tell me.

Cheers, Juke

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Terve Oopee!

Ohessa muutama perinteinen suomikomppi, tai ainakin minä olen soittanut niillä suomalaista tanssimusiikkia. Pari valssia, pari tangoa, pari humppaa ja yksi beguine. Jotta saat kompit itsellesi, sinun täytyy avata oheinen zip file (esim paina hiiren oikeaa näppäintä kun olet valinnut ko. zipfilen ladattuasi sen ensin omalle koneellesi). Jos ongelmia, niin kerro...

Terveisin Juke


Hi Juke,

Thanx a lot! I wonder if you could send some more of these Fin stuff - great service, highly appreciated!

Take care, Oopee

Moi Juke,

Kiitti! Jos vaan viittit niin laita lisää Fin kamaa - hienoa serviisiä, kymmenen pistettä ja papukaijan merkki!

Pidä huolta, Oopee

Toril S

Hello Juke!
Thank you for the styles.
I too am interested in them, as this kind of music is what I play for people here in Norway :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page



Oopee - you`re welcome (ole hyvä)

Toril - how nice to hear that you can use these styles also!!!

Best wishes,



Moi. olen pari viiko sitten osttanut uuden yamahan psr-sx700, ja enkä ole saanut tai löytänyt mistäkän suomikomppeja tai suomi midi taustoja. olisin tosin kiitolinen jos joku voisi lähettä minulle suomikomppeja tai suomalaisia midi taustoja, haluttesan voisin lähettä takaisin sitten omia teekemiä kotimaisia kappaleita. Mukava kesää. T:Aleksi :)


Google translation by overover:

Hi. I bought a new Yamaha psr-sx700 a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't received or found Finnish comps or Finnish midi backgrounds anywhere. I would be grateful if someone could send me Finnish comps or Finnish midi backgrounds, if I wanted to, I could send back my own domestic songs. Nice summer.
T: Alex :)

Edit 2023-05-25 by overover: Added Google translation and removed Email address


Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, Alex!

Please note the following points:

Post here only in English. You can use an online translation tool like Google translator (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login) and then post the English text here. If you repeatedly post in Finnish, your user account may be restricted by an administrator so that you can only read but no longer post.

Also, please do not post your email address here in the public forum. Registered users can simply call up your user profile (by clicking on your username) to see your email.

All the best from Germany,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Do you have the basic set for stage dances: hump, waltz, tango.

Edit: Removed Finnish language comment. Please post in English only, as we are an English-speaking forum, HumppaOlavi.


Moi.  Mulla on Suomikompit. Oli aikoinaan Tyros, en muista mallia... STY tiedostoja.. Voin lähettää sulle kun laitat sähhköposti osoitteesi. (tämä postitus ei hyväksy sty tiedostoja joten laitan emailina)  Terv: Eki

Edit: Translation by Roger Brenizer...Please post in English only, as we are an English-speaking forum.

Hey. I have Suomikompit. It used to be Tyre, I don't remember the model... STY files.. I can send you when you put your email address. (this mailing does not accept sty files so i will post an email) Terv: Eki




Edit: Email address removed by overover

Please do not post your email address here in the public forum. Registered members can see your email when they view your profile (by clicking on your username to the left of one of your posts). Best regards, Chris (overover)