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Started by mal10840, Mar 12, 2021, 09:34 AM

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No matter how I arrange the drawbars, I find it impossible to re create a decent Hammond sound. It always sounds thin if you know what I mean. Any suggestions?


Buy a Neo Ventilator Rotary effect unit and route it with the separate outputs to the inputs  .
I tried it with a Lester K Rotary unit and that did the job also very nice for a more Rock sound , The ventilator cost a lot more but sounds better  ( the sayd)
Look at my YT samples i made a few years ago ( i sold the lester after i get the Nord 5D)

Soneg  :)

Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


Dear Mal,

let me disagree..... with kindness, of course.

I used to have an Hammond L122R with 142 Leslie cabinet: two jewels. So, I have not easy expectation for Hammond sound emulation.

For many years I had various Korg flagships, and i could never get a decent hammond sound.
Then I purchased an Hammond Xm2-Xm2c module (with real drawbars) with excellent sounds and  Leslie emulation. That solved the problem (Unfortunately Hammond does not produce anymore this module).
Therefore, when I purchased a Clavinoca Cvp309, and lately Genos, I thought i should use my Hammond module.

But.... with big surprise, after quite a long search on the Clavinova (but it is exactly the same on genos), I discovered an effect that give a surprising depth and majesty to the organ flute sounds. I'm talking, for Genos, about: insert/Legacy/Rotary Speaker 5 (you must go on page 32 of the legacy effects).

Try this effect with the classic (A whiter shade of pale) setup 688600000 + Perc.4 at level 6, very effective both with slow and fast Leslie.
Or, if you like smooth jazz organ (like Earl Grant played American classics, with slow accompaniment), same effect, setup 888886443, no percussion, Leslie fast, also (for more full sound) with Block Harmony.

To better explain what kind of sounds you can get, you could listen to this my example (done with Clavinova Cvp309; but it is just the same with Genos):

Hope to get your welcome comments,


Angelo  :)

Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


Hello Angelo,
Many thanks for the two registrations. They set up just the same on the SX900 and have been playing Whiter Shade with the first and Who Can I Turn To (appropriate!) with the second......Terrific.......


Si vous voulez des samples du Hammond L122 en PPF  file....Tyros 5 and Genos...
my link:
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Key for download :  z3Yb1D9XktyuiC2IIk4UBaGez5_FiMFdEy5NeA4LUMg
Good music
PS:for Tyros 3 and 4 just on demand  (files UVN)


Hi Pascal

I can import the L122 pack into YEM but there are no voices showing in the pack content window in YEM.

Using YEM 2.7.0 (Windows), Genos.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


My main disagreement with all users searching for an Hammond sound" is that there is not only one "authentic Hammond sound" !!!!!
It is a different issue if you like to imitate the Hammond sound from a certain recording (like "A Whiter Shade Of Pale") and a completely different issue the searching for an "authentic Hammond sound".
If you ever play on a real Hammond organ you will realize that you can create 100's of completely different sounds!
So there is not only one "authentic Hammond sound" !!!
Using the various drawbars combinations on a real Hammond organ you can create a wide sound palette from Church organ to Combo organ (like VOX).
So when you search for an "authentic Hammond sound"  what are you looking exactly ?

Other users confusing the sound itself (waveform) with the Lesley effect!
It is a completely different issue the sound itself and a completely different the effect !
You can have a decent waveform but with a bad effect selection you can have a bad sound or on the other hand, you can have a mediocre waveform and improve it a lot using good effects!

Furthermore many users never play on a real Hammond. They form their impression about the "authentic Hammond sound" from older arranger keyboards or synthesizers!
This is far away from the truth and the "authentic Hammond sound"...

There is no magic solutions. The only you can do is try to customize the sound of your arranger as much as you can and then... consecrate on playing music!
Unfortunately most players forget that playing music is most important than the perfect Hammond sound...


frozzers ,You have to unzip the RAR file and then import Hammond L122.ppf into YEM .... I just did it and everything is fine



Quote from: paslooping on Mar 13, 2021, 07:00 AM
frozzers ,You have to unzip the RAR file and then import Hammond L122.ppf into YEM .... I just did it and everything is fine

Yes, I just imported this ppf into my YEM, and everything is fine with me too. :)

(See also the attached picture.)

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hmm ... I did unzip and it seemed to import OK.

As you can see from the attached screenshot, there are no voices.




[attachment deleted by admin]
Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Yes very strange !!!!
Test file no zip.....(just ppf)

link:  Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
Key:  JW0TeJ-uKngmawQBQGe6QL2LWOfd0fbAh5ridgsD3XQ

or files UVN
link: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
Key: oiboTq5L7bB7xZCVoW1w0SFlPhGG-i0TRf7lEullf3Y

ps:problems...réinstal YEM !


OK now Pascal. Thanks for your help.

I was able to import the UVNs into the empty L122 pack. I still don't know why it showed up empty however.

For info, I'm a Mac user with a virtual PC running inside the Mac. Maybe the problem is linked to do the unzipping process on the Mac. It's usually fine though.

I have to use the virtual PC because the Mac version of YEM doesn't currently work on MacOS Big Sur.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. Some great sounds!


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


ok frozzers no problems...
it will probably be necessary to rework the uvn in YEM (volume ,  touch sens : offset 127 and depht 0  ,  Reverb : on ,  hall 4  , depht 35
the ppf file was already reworked in YEM


Quote from: paslooping on Mar 13, 2021, 01:50 AM
Si vous voulez des samples du Hammond L122 en PPF  file....Tyros 5 and Genos...
my link:
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Key for download :  z3Yb1D9XktyuiC2IIk4UBaGez5_FiMFdEy5NeA4LUMg
Good music
PS:for Tyros 3 and 4 just on demand  (files UVN)

Thanks for sharing these Hammond sounds. Wanted to let you know they sound great on the SX-900, even though no rotary effect, still very nice.
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


ok LaHawk....thank you for the info


Quote from: paslooping on Mar 13, 2021, 07:00 AM
frozzers ,You have to unzip the RAR file and then import Hammond L122.ppf into YEM .... I just did it and everything is fine

Dear Danand,

I would partially disagree with your issue.

As a former Hammond L122R+Leslie 142 player (for many years), I can say that there is an Hammond "sound". And you recognize it even if you put only one finger on a key of an Hammond organ. And this unique taste is strictly due to both the sound generation and to the magic atmosphere given by the Leslie addition.

Other matter is to talk about Hammond setups or registrations, that is the result of multiple factors, as drawbars combinations, possible addition of Percussione, Chorus, Vibrato, Leslie (fast or slow, changes the sound significantly), reverb, and others. On the web there is an ocean of Hammond setups suggestions and axamples.
You can change hundreds of setups, but the Hammond sound stays, unmistakable.

Many of us search for getting an Hammond sound (in this sense) that could be as close as possible to the original (unreachable....) one.
And IMHO is not a maniac exercise, since a decent Hammond sound emulation helps inspiration whenever the music you want to play requires/suggests the Hammond.

Of course this is just a point of view  :)

Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


I agree that a lot of Hammond sounds do not really sound like a proper Hammond. I think the best answer is to do the equivalent of a Turing test which is done to test for  artificial intelligence. Put a Hammond and whatever is to be tested behind a curtain or get the tester, who has played a Hammond to close their eyes, play both instruments and if you can't tell which is which, then that's as good as it gets.


Yamaha arranger keyboards have gotten pretty darn good at simulating the sound of a Hammond organ, and customizing organ sounds helps. However the Leslie effect side of the equation is lacking.  The Rotary instant on/off, and the choices of fast or slow is ok, but certainly far from the real thing. Leslie speakers were never "instant" and depending on the Leslie wind up/down speeds were slower, sometimes much slower. And lets not forget how the Leslie  wood cabinet added to the unique over all sound of a Leslie, hard to replace that.

However if the rotary effect could be adjusted to a more richer, and a more realistic slower wind up Leslie effect, that would go a long way of getting that better sounding true Hammond / Leslie on an arranger keyboard.
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


If you want the real thing get the real thing.