Anyone gone from Genos to SX900?

Started by Moontom, Oct 12, 2023, 11:06 AM

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I am considering this because of space problems in my office.

Really love the Genos and have a bunch of the expansions and lots of audio files of songwriting work, and also lots and lots of styles found on this site and elsewhere.

If I were to make the switch to SX900, would I need to find each style and redownload onto a USB stick formatted for SX? I expect I would need to start over w/ YEM and re-obtain and reload the expansions. (this alone makes me think it's not worth it!).

I'd love to hear from anyone who's done this switch....any regrets? anything I should know?

thanks in advance


Hi @Moontom, I went from the Genos to the SX900 for 2 reasons: 1. the size and 2. I wasn't using many of the features of the Genos. These were personal considerations that led to that choice. So that's different for everyone! Not a single regret for that swap!
The sx900 is a fantastic keyboard, the Genos is (of course) better overall. You could be disappointed in the SX900 if you work so intensively with the Genos. Also the SX900 has less room (RAM) for expansions!!
I didn't have a large saved repertoire and was able to transfer and adjust it in the SX900 with little effort. When I read your way of making music, it is not comparable to your way. There remains a lot of tweaking work, despite the fact that there is also a lot of compatibility.
My advice would be to invest in making your studio/office/room more efficient than to make a (time) investment in an SX900. Especially since a Genos II may see the light of day soon, they say...  and who knows: a 61 note Genos II! ;)
My best regards,


Hello TM,
I have both keyboards but I would not part with my Genos and am looking forward to the New one. The reason I have the SX900 is that it is lighter for me to take to rehearsals which are held in a small hall so no need for extra speakers. The other reason is that I run my own Yamaha forum and need to know how it works as opposed to the Genos.
Three Gb of memory as opposed to One on the SX makes a difference and also you will be restricted in what packs you can load. You only have two USB ports and they are on the back of the keyboard. Only two pedal ports. No super Articulation voices. Not as many assignable slots. Having said all that it is a good little keyboard but will never be a Genos.


Thanks for these replies, Eileen and Ton! You have brought needed clarity to this for me.