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3/4 beat search

Started by Pityus, Aug 13, 2023, 08:55 AM

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How can I find 3/4 beats using the search engine?


Just Type in Waltz There are Ten pages of them to choses from.


Thank you for your response! I want to find all 3/4 beats on the instrument (country, ballad, etc.). Even if I'm looking for a different schedule (6/8, 12/8, etc.), how can I find it completely and more easily? Unfortunately, the description attached to the instrument only contains the names of the styles, not the schedule.


Actually the time signature on 6/8 and 12/8 beats are often included in the style name.
Waltz is just the colloquial term for 3/4 time signature, and the word waltz is usually in the style name for 3/4 time signature.
One of the reasons you cannot search on time signature is thatYamaha often programs 6/8 and 12/8 styles using 4/4. I won't go into the technical reasons why they do this, just accept it for now..


I use the PSR Style Database program on PC (available on the PSR website) for this. You can sort your styles according to time signature and you can (if you want to do so) very easily select files with a specific signature (such as 3/4) and copy or move them to a separate location on your PC.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Where do I find the SX900 style database to open in PSR Style Database?
What file should I paste and open to see the data of all the styles in the program?


You should copy all your styles from SX900 into PC where you have installed PSR Style Database program. Then you tell that program, in which folder are your styles and that program makes a database of them for you.