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How do I save Style edits?

Started by Tommarr, Aug 10, 2023, 03:54 PM

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I loaded some Styles to User. They work fine, but can be a little busy.
I learned how to edit volumes or remove a sound.

However, my attempts to Save my changes don't hold, even when I say "overwrite"

I tried searching and Manual. Vague or not relevant answers.

Thank you for any help.


Maybe the problem is that you first go into Style Creator and only then into Mixer. Then all changes occur only on one part. You need to do the following, first adjust the Style in the mixer and when you are satisfied with it, open the Style Creator and save the changes. Then the changes must remain recorded.
Watch this video.
Watch my video channel


Once you have you style as you want it. Press Style creator and just press save then yes you want it to over right.


Quote from: Tommarr on Aug 10, 2023, 03:54 PM
my attempts to Save my changes don't hold, even when I say "overwrite"

Mixer changes don't save with the style. You either have to save it as a registration to capture the changes, or use the Mixer/StyleCreator procedure as outlined here by Casper's video in order to save the changes into the style.
SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


If you alter your volumes and even drop some tracks to nil which Is what I think you wanted going to style creator and pressing save will save all the new volumes you have set on Genos. I do it all the time so I know it works.