How to save all my registrations externally?

Started by Jeff_M, Aug 13, 2023, 10:17 AM

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I've had my SX900 for the better part of three years now and while it is working fine, I am concerned that one day it will suddenly die on me.  If that happened, I don't know what would be tougher:  replacing the keyboard in short order or losing the over 200 registrations that I've stored.  I do use it for gigging and losing those registrations would be a major concern.  Is it possible to save all of them in bulk onto a memory stick or should they all be done individually?  Or can this be done at all?  Thanks...

colas musique

Hello Jeff,

For each air, I create a file in which I associate the style and the registration (one does not go without the other).
Then I group all these folders in another folder to which I will give a theme (rock, slow...).
I can then save this file on a USB key and then for a better backup copy it on the hard disk of the PC or on an external hard disk.



One way is to create a Backup file of the whole instrument. You have never done this before? Put a USB stick (large enough to handle the backup) in the SX900, go into Menu-Utility-FactoryReset/Backup tab-Page2 is where you back it up onto USB. I regularly make these backup files and put them in folders with dates.

Another way to manually backup specific types of files like Registrations, Styles or VCE's is you go into your User Registration mode screen or User Style mode screen or User Voice screen , press Copy at the top of the screen, then Select All your Registrations or Styles or Voices, and make sure the USB drive is selected before you copy all of them over.

SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


Hi Jeff,
as @p$manK32 said, you have two possible approaches. Watch the video for a full backup.

And this is a video for a partial backup.
Watch my video channel

Fred Smith

If your registrations are in a folder, just copy the folder.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Backup has been accomplished thanks to all your suggestions.  I'll sleep better tonight.  Thanks again.