Calling all Style Makers !!

Started by rattley, Aug 09, 2023, 08:03 PM

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Greetings All

If you have seen my posts lately you will know I want to be a Style Maker.  I'm really diving into this. Everyday in the past week I have learned something and have become even more fascinated on what all is going on when playing a style. Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew since I am trying to learn Genos's Style Maker and Tomasz's StyleMagic. I purchased StyleMagic this week and I can save stuff now. I understand the interface and have watched his videos following along using the same style.

I do and understand along with what he is doing in the video . I think this video does more to familiarize one with the program than making a style from scratch. It does that very well!  His videos are not in English but there are English sub-titles. Does anyone have any that are all in English? I just need someone to hold my hand and work with me once to create a style from its creation.

I mentioned I am having latency issues using Genos's onboard LAN. I would think that would be a fast connection since most music production recommends a latency of less than 10ms. I'd really like to get that connection up to speed because I don't want to use cables. I do have some wireless adapters arriving this week. They claim 5ms latency. We shall see!!

I want to thank everyone here who has been helping me so far. Now I want to share my creations again to this forum. I just want it to happen sooner than later!

Best wishes.  -charley
