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Microphone input PSRsx900

Started by Old Time Music man, Jul 23, 2023, 06:15 PM

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Old Time Music man

I have recently purchased a PSRsx900 to play at home and use it to sing through.
Unfortunately the vocal lags behind the recorded accompaniment.
I have tried to fix it using the manual and local sources to no avail.
My microphone is a AKG D880m.
Can any one help me with this latency problem.
Please keep in mind that I am an 89 year old not quite past it but I have trouble with new technology,

Ken Hodges 


It's analog and instantaneous, so I'm not sure what you mean by lagging behind the accompaniment?
Unless you're going through an audio interface, which *all* introduce latency (which is why you can't sing while listening to your recorded signal on the pc. You instead listen through the direct monitoring headphone port.)

But if you're recording right onto the psrsx900, the only way I can see to introduce a delay is either use a bluetooth anything (it's been discussed ad nauseum on here how you can't use bluetooth mics/headphones with * any* instrument) or add a digital delay/echo and actually listen to the fully wet delay signal with no dry signal

How are you recording this? Presumably with the built in audio recorder of the psrsx900?


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Mark Wilburn


Ken, is your mic plugged directly into the keyboard, or are you running the mic through a mixer and recording on your computer.

If your mic is plugged directly into the keyboard's mic input, then there should be no latency.

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...

Old Time Music man

Thank you both for your replies.
I use the mic for performing and it is plugged direct into the the keyboard.
I do have a bluetooth Digitech microphone. Is it possible to pair it with the PSRsx900.


No, you can't use any bluetooth mics or headphones with any instrument (too much latency); the bluetooth is merely for turning your psr into a bluetooth speaker for pre-recorded streaming music.

If you're plugging the mic right into the PSRsx900 and recording internally with the keyboard, there's no way to introduce latency without intentionally adding a digital delay DSP...?

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Mark Wilburn


Love Those Yammies...