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Pedals on the SX700

Started by Denn, Jun 18, 2023, 05:42 AM

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Excitement abounds. I have now plugged in my FC5 as well as my FC7 foot pedal into my SX700. Up to now I have only had my FC7 as volume control and it has worked great (after many hours of frustrations.) Now I plug in my FC5 pedal to step up through the registration settings; that is Button 1, Button 2, Button3 and back to Button1. Now having set this up as I thought, the FC5 pedal does exactly as it should BUT my FC7 is now stepping DOWN through the buttons, no volume control. I have set each one and tried to register it to the buttons but to no avail. No matter what settings I try the result is the same.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The two pedals on my Tyros 4 work exactly as they should.
Kind regards. Denn

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Love knitting dolls


Hi Denn

From the 3 pics that you have included, you appear to have plugged the FC7 into socket 2 (shown on Pic 1)
The other 2 pics show that you have peel 1 set to Volume and also set to registration + at some point in time.

Make sure you set the correct pedal to the function you require.



Fred Smith

Quote from: Denn on Jun 18, 2023, 05:42 AM
Excitement abounds. I have now plugged in my FC5 as well as my FC7 foot pedal into my SX700. Up to now I have only had my FC7 as volume control and it has worked great (after many hours of frustrations.) Now I plug in my FC5 pedal to step up through the registration settings; that is Button 1, Button 2, Button3 and back to Button1. Now having set this up as I thought, the FC5 pedal does exactly as it should BUT my FC7 is now stepping DOWN through the buttons, no volume control. I have set each one and tried to register it to the buttons but to no avail. No matter what settings I try the result is the same.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The two pedals on my Tyros 4 work exactly as they should.
Kind regards. Denn

I would check to see if you have the registration sequencer turned on. The Sequencer overrides pedal settings.

The sequencer is in Menu>(Menu_)>Registration Sequence. Given your setup, you want it Off.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thank you both for your replies. It is like picking and winning lotto! the combinations are various and not quite what you may expect. I gave up and unplugged the FC5 but I AM NOT GOING TO BE BEATEN BY A MACHINE! Eventually I have what I wanted, now to go through 300 registrations and re-register the lot. WOW! How exciting is that?
Thanks again for your help. Denn.
Love knitting dolls

Fred Smith

Quote from: Denn on Jun 18, 2023, 08:39 PM
Thank you both for your replies. It is like picking and winning lotto! the combinations are various and not quite what you may expect. I gave up and unplugged the FC5 but I AM NOT GOING TO BE BEATEN BY A MACHINE! Eventually I have what I wanted, now to go through 300 registrations and re-register the lot. WOW! How exciting is that?
Thanks again for your help. Denn.

Why do you have to re-memorize all your registrations?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Denn on Jun 18, 2023, 08:39 PM
Thank you both for your replies. It is like picking and winning lotto! the combinations are various and not quite what you may expect. I gave up and unplugged the FC5 but I AM NOT GOING TO BE BEATEN BY A MACHINE!

But you do look like beaten by your machine, because you gave up and unplugged the FC5. Why didn't you try Fred's advise to set Registration Sequencer ON?


Hi Denn,

First, please make sure that the FC5 (foot switch) is connected to Pedal jack #1 and the FC7 (expression pedal) is connected to Pedal jack #2. (The pedals should already be connected BEFORE switching on the keyboard!)

Note: The Pedal setting "Registration Bank +" in the Assignable display does NOT switch the Registration BUTTONS (1 - 8⁣), but switches to the next Registration BANK, i.e. to the next Registration Bank FILE in the current folder (same as the [REGIST BANK + ] button on the panel).

To switch the Registration BUTTONS you need to turn ON the "Registration Sequence" function (in "Menu > Regist Sequence"). Important: Set "Regist +" to "Pedal 1" there and set "Regist -" to "OFF", i.e. make sure that neither Pedal 1 nor Pedal 2 are green for "Regist -". This is the only way you can use the FC7 connected to Pedal jack #2 with the function set in the Assignable display (e.g. "Volume").

Note that you can freely program the order of Registration Sequence for each Registration Bank, so instead of "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8" e.g. "1-2-3-2-3-4-3-4-5-8". This is automatically saved when saving the current Registration Bank.

If the Registration Sequence function is ON, the setting in the Assignable display is irrelevant for the pedals assigned there. In your case (if, as I suggested, only Pedal #1 is activated for the Registration Sequence function), I recommend leaving the default setting "Sustain" for Pedal #1, i.e. FC5, in the Assignable display.

So press "Direct Access" button and then press down the FC5 to open the Assignable display for "Pedal #1" and set "Sustain" there.

Then press "Direct Access" and move the FC7 up/down a little to set "Pedal #2" to "Volume". At the bottom of the display you can specify the part that the volume pedal will affect. For me these are always exclusively the RIGHT 1 / 2 / 3 parts.

To save the current settings in System Setup, now close the Assignable display (by touching the X icon or pressing the EXIT button).

If you always work with the same pedal settings, I recommend locking them in "Menu > Utility > Parameter Lock", i.e. ticking the "Pedal" checkbox there. Then the pedal settings can no longer be changed by Registrations that contain other Pedal settings.

Alternatively, you could also work with the FREEZE function: First, press "Direct Access > FREEZE" and make sure that only "Pedal" is ticked in the Freeze settings. Close this display (touch the X icon or press EXIT button). Then make sure that the FREEZE button is OFF and that the pedals (especially Pedal #2 / FC7 in your case) are set as desired. You can use a previously created "Setup Registration" for this, for example. Then activate the FREEZE button (LED lights up) to protect the pedal settings from being changed by other registrations during the current session.

If you work with LOTS of different pedal settings, it might be better to save the pedals in each registration. However, many users work with the setup registration mentioned and do NOT save any pedal settings in their registrations. (Then you do NOT need to work with FREEZE. :) )

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)