Style for "Moonlight Serenade" - SX900

Started by edwall, Jun 20, 2023, 04:40 PM

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hi everybody. nice to be back brrn on hols.i was wondering would any of the members have a good style for moonllight serenade that will work on a psr sx900 would be very greatfull.  Thanks tom.

Edit 2023-06-20 by overover: Song title and keyboard model added to topic title

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 6 styles for you to try, Ed. :)

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"Music Is My Life"
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Hi Ed,
Of the preset styles try Midnight Swing or Moonlight Ballad.


thanks very much i will give that a try...


Here's the best one I have for this song: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...