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T5 76 Volume

Started by TheOrganGrinder, Jun 16, 2023, 03:11 PM

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Hello. I wonder if someone can tell me if I have a problem or am I doing something wrong. I'm no "techno" so please keep any answers on the simple side.
Turn on power to the T5. Select Part R1. Select Organ World, Theatre, button 5. Play a note/s, result Fine, no problem. Press ACMP, the volume of the note/s I am playing reduces by half or more.
It does this on other settings, I have just chosen this as an example.
Thanks in advance.


What volume do you have your style set to and what volume are your voices at.
  It maybe worth doing a quick reset to see if this helps.


Hello Eileen and thanks for your reply.
After I have set it up as described, all the volumes in the menu that comes up by pressing the Balance/Page button are at 100, these values do not change when the ACMP buuton is pressed but the audible volume from the T5 reduces tremendously.
Very strange to me.


It is very difficult to know what is happening without seeing it. Volume should not drop when style is used. Have you tried a reset.


Have done what the "Tyros Tippsters " call a "Soft Reset" but to no avail.


Hi Den,
  Some styles can be very loud and tend to drown out your solo voices. I set mine to 127 and sometimes drop the style volume to 85 to get a good balance.



I have followed your example (using Organworld) on my T5 76. I think this is what you are getting:

The original selection of the 'R1' Organworld voice uses the full keyboard, so all right and left hand notes play normal volume.

However, when you press ACMP, it splits the keyboard, so that the Organworld now only plays on the upper part of the keyboard above the split point (at normal volume). The left hand (in the bottom part of the keyboard) just plays a low volume soft sound, giving the impression that the original Organworld voice is partially muted. So, in ACMP mode, you can only play the Organworld voice on the upper part of the keyboard.



Tyros 5-76; Roland FA08; Yammex V3; Behringer Q502USB; Arturia BeatStep; Alesis Elevate 3 MkIII;  Yamaha YST-FSW050; Sony MDR 7510; MultiTrackStudio Pro + AAMS.



Hi Roy.
Thanks for your theory. In my example I am not using the left hand part of the keyboard at all, It is just that when I turn on the ACMP the volume of the notes I am holding down in the right hand part reduces drastically, no other keys are being played.

In answer to Eileens comment, I am not selecting any "Style" just using Organ World/Theatre/5 from the Voice section, on R1, press and hold down any key/s in the right hand, turn on ACMP and the volume of the keys being held down imediately more than halves.

I think it's begining to look more like a fault.

Alan E

I have tried this on my T5 and turning on ACMP makes no difference.
Yamaha Tyros 5   Ketron SD7


Hi Den,

You may have the OTS LINK function activated. Please make sure that OTS LINK is OFF. Otherwise, turning on ACMP will automatically activate an OTS (One Touch Setting), depending on the currently loaded Style and the currently activated Main Variation. This will change the voices and volumes of the keyboard parts (Right1-3, Left).

By the way, to activate the Left split point, ACMP does not necessarily have to be switched on, but it is enough to switch the Left part on (with ACMP switched OFF).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi overover and thanks for the reply.
I can assure you the OTS Link is OFF.
As I said before it is looking like a fault of some sort.

Robert van Weersch

I tried to reproduce this on my T5-76 but there's no difference in volume for R1.
Yamaha Tyros 5 76
Korg Liverpool (microArranger)


For any members who may have been following this thread, it looks like I may have overcome the problem by doing a Factory Re-Set (power on whilst holding down the last key on the key board) I did this two days ago and it appears to have worked. What else I may have altered or upset remains to be seen.
Thanks to all for the interest and suggestions.


I am pleased the re-set worked for you. This is usually the best way to go when you have tried everything else.