Swapping Ending 1 and Ending 3

Started by OldTimerBill, May 31, 2023, 08:40 PM

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Does anyone know a way to swap Ending 1 and Ending 3? Which software do you use?



Quote from: OldTimerBill on May 31, 2023, 08:40 PM

Does anyone know a way to swap Ending 1 and Ending 3? Which software do you use?


You just need to use the keyboard's style creator to do the job.

I would copy the style into the USER area workplace and then save a 2nd copy of the style and rename by adding a (1) onto the style's name in the USER area.

So you will have style ABCD and ABCD1 in the USER area.

Next you look a the LENGTH of End 1 and End 3 as to the number of measures in each.
Then you have make the ENDINGS in style ABCD1 match those lengths by changing them using the BASIC SCREEN within the Style Creator.
To get to the BASIC screen you will need to go into the Style Creator and go the BASIC screen thus TAB to the ASSEMBLY screen and then back to the BASIC screen again. It is stupid but there are 2 different BASIC screens (one is hidden) But I just explained how to get to the 2nd one for you.

Then you can "Copy and Paste" the parts from one style into the other with no issues.

Fred Smith

Quote from: OldTimerBill on May 31, 2023, 08:40 PM

Does anyone know a way to swap Ending 1 and Ending 3? Which software do you use?


Good to see it can be done relatively easily. But I'm curious: why would you ever need to do this? Why not just use the ending you want?

Looking to be educated,
Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


@DrakeM ... thanks very much for the information. Using your information I was partially successful and I believe I will successfully finish the process tomorrow.

Hi Fred, when you start converting styles from other keyboard brands you will find that some manufacturers put the shortest ending (the one that I almost always use) as Ending 1 and some put the shortest ending in Ending 3. I would like all of my styles to have the shortest ending in the same spot soI don't have to remember which one it is.



The job is very simple.
Assembly function in Style Creator offers Intro 4 and Ending 4, exacly for this kind of Job.
I'm supposing that the shortest ending is E3 in your case and you want to move it to Ending1.
Select Ending 4 in Basic screen.
Copy channels from Ending 3 using Assembly. Save style to User or USB (Very important step).
Select Ending 3 and change length in Basic screen to correspond to the length of the long Ending (E1). Use Assembly to copy from Ending 1. SAVE style.
Select Ending 1 and change length to one measure. Go to Assembly and copy each channel from Ending4. Save Style.

Additionally, is better to cleanup the style, and delete Ending 4 midi info. So, select Ending 4 and delete each channel. SAVE STYLE AND JOB DONE.

Note: Check the length of the shortest ending and make sure you have the same length in Ending 4. It could be more than one measure...

This job could be more simple using StyleMagicYA software which allow you to drag and drop the style part. You simply drag and drop from Ending 3 to BreakAA or BreakBB, then from Ending 1 to Ending 3 (which now is empty) and finaly from BreakAA or BreakBB to Ending 1, and that's it! All the adjustments were done by the soft! It was done in 5 seconds 😁

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzi9PPrMTjN8_zX9P9kelxg

Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: Fred Smith on May 31, 2023, 10:28 PM
Good to see it can be done relatively easily. But I'm curious: why would you ever need to do this? Why not just use the ending you want?

Looking to be educated,

I just worked up  a custom style for the song "You Ain't Much Fun" by Toby Keith a couple weeks ago. The song needed a "2 measure" break and I put it in the ENDING #1 slot (easy to get to) and moved the actual Ending from Slot #1 to Slot #2 (and deleted Ending #3).

I move the song Ending slot out of #1 a lot just to make sure I don't hit it by mistake and delete the other 2 endings.


Fred Smith

Quote from: DrakeM on Jun 02, 2023, 07:34 AM
I just worked up  a custom style for the song "You Ain't Much Fun" by Toby Keith a couple weeks ago. The song needed a "2 measure" break and I put it in the ENDING #1 slot (easy to get to) and moved the actual Ending from Slot #1 to Slot #2 (and deleted Ending #3).

I move the song Ending slot out of #1 a lot just to make sure I don't hit it by mistake and delete the other 2 endings.

It's great to see all this stuff is technically feasible. But it sure seems like a lot of work. That's why I use registrations. They do the remembering for me.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I do this quite a lot in style creator. Once you have used it a couple of times it is very easy to do and dose not need any fancy programmes. All done on keyboard.


Yes Eileen, indeed, is very easy to do this job in keyboard. But is much much quicky in StyleMagicYA. And the user interface is very friendly.
Personally, all job I want to do, I do directly in the keyboard. But I exposed a more quickly option. It is always the user who decides if the shortest and easier solution is a software or is keyboard itself. I don't think it is important how we like to do it, important is to share the options and the user choose what he thinks is better for him/her .

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzi9PPrMTjN8_zX9P9kelxg

Vali Maties - Genos