Billy Vaughn saxophone

Started by Lacko, May 20, 2023, 03:12 AM

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I am looking for Billy Vaughn orchestra saxophone sound. Has anybody this voice for SX700?


I can't locate a voice for you but if you've not heard this advice before, you may find it interesting.

I've been in the business for 53 years and, believe me, back when I started voices were not realistic! But as we moved through the 1970s and organs became more orchestral, and then in the 1980s when they went digital and keyboards (now called arrangers to differentiate them from all other types of keyboard) first appeared, voicing became more and more accurate. I've had the pleasure of working in R&D on organs and keyboards, and I'd like to think that my voicings helped sell a lot of products!

Since then, I've lost count of the number of times that I've been asked "Has it got that [insert name of artist] sound?" or "Can it sound like [insert name of artist/band/orchestra]?" The honest answer should always be "No." The 'sound' is not just down to the sax, guitar, trumpet or whatever, but much more down to the player.

If you can phrase, articulate and 'breathe' your melody like Mr Vaughn, then you're more than halfway there. If you can't, then listen and learn that craft. Apply what you learn to the saxes that you already have and see how close you are. Only then should you start thinking about getting a new or different sax.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


Quote from: andyg on May 23, 2023, 03:48 PM
If you can phrase, articulate and 'breathe' your melody like Mr Vaughn, then you're more than halfway there. If you can't, then listen and learn that craft. Apply what you learn to the saxes that you already have and see how close you are. Only then should you start thinking about getting a new or different sax.

Excellent -agree fully!
I only wish to add, that the goal is not to sound exactly the same. Yes, it should sound similar (so it's recognizable), but at the same time, it should be different just enough, to be noticeable that you are playing your sax.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube