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SX700 Grouping of Sets

Started by beebs, Aug 15, 2023, 01:11 AM

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Still at the basic level here so correct me if I'm wrong.

I have learned how to register a set of 20 registrations which will be my 'in order' backing tracks for my 1st live set.

Having some difficulty getting these to play while they are in a folder in the USB, the registrations do appear in the screen ok but don't play, presumably because they need to be  extracted from the folder before loading them onto the USB?     And yet MP3's which are in a folder within the USB will open and play ok.

So how is it best to separate each Registration set within the USB stick so that only 1 set is in the display rather than set after set of registrations?
Rather not use the playlist, prefer pressing the registrations .       Thanks for the help.      Bob


1. When speaking about 20 registrations, you mean probably 20 songs. How are these songs organized in registrations - each song in one Registration Memory or each song in one Registration Bank (consisting of 8 RM buttons)?
2. When you created those registratons, where from were the styles used in them - from keyboard memory or from USB stick?
3. The same question about used MP3 files.
4. When you created those registrations, where did you save them - into keyboard memory or into USB stick? Did you save them directly into folder you mentioned or did you copy them there later after creating them out of that folder? Was that folder previously in keyboard (and copied/moved onto USB stick) or in USB stick only?


Thanks Lacko, appreciate the support.
The answers as follows as far as I recall:

1.  Yes 20 songs each song in 1 registration bank.
2.  No styles used just including the revised Concert Grand piano changed an octave down and added reverb etc.
3.  MP3 files taken from the USB stick.
4.  Into the USB stick then created a folder in my PC and copied the .rgt files into that folder.   So the lot are back into the USB stick but now 'grouped' within a folder.

regards,   Bob


Hi Bob,

from what you wrote, I see you can play those registrations if they are on USB stick, but in the root directory, not in that folder.
The first aid in such case could be to copy all registrations back into root directory of the USB and after playing them (for checking) save them with keyboard back, but to selected folder on USB. This way all paths to voices and settings should be saved in correct way. Keyboard will take into account everything needed to play these registrations from where it saved them.


The problem is not really where you are loading the registrations from.

The problem is likely to be where the voices, styles, etc that are included in the registration were located when you saved the registration, because the registration will always look in that place for them.

If all of the voices, styles, etc that are included in the registration are in *exactly* the same place they were when you memorised the registration, it should work. But if they are *not* in *exactly* the same place, it will fail.

You haven't said where the voices, styles etc that are included in the registration were loaded from when you saved the registration, but that is the key to making it work. Before you save a registration, make sure that the voices, styles etc that you want to use are in the place you want them to be first.


Hi Lacko/Derek,
Kind of grasping what u both are suggesting.   I think I'll set up from scratch a new USB stick and walk thru each section of what I'm doing.  How would I download 20 registrations to (I presume) a folder within the keyboard, rather than a folder from the PC, is this the norm?.   

Is the folder used not from outside but within the keyboard itself ?
Prefer I think to store each set into the USB.      How do u guys store your sets?
Thanks, Bob


Create a Folder on your USB stick in the Keyboard. Copy your registrations into this folder. If you have used on board voices and styles there will be no problem, but if you have used third party styles make sure they are on the USB and linked from there. Never move styles around or you will loss the links. Your MP3 files will be on that USB sol you will have linked those OK. Now just press the Regist and open folder and select the registration and it will load and be ready to play.


Yes now that I have cleared away untold other multiple efforts from the USB it all seems to be coming together and although I am still creating a folder on my PC and placing the MP3's into it prior to transferring this folder to the USB stick it is working so that's great.    I still don't know how to create a folder within the keyboard but I guess if it's working ok by creating the folder on the PC then job done for now.
My thanks to Derek / Lacko / Eileen, greatly appreciated.      Rgds    Bob


If you want to create folder in keyboard, press + and - Registration Bank buttons together, in Registration Bank screen press File and then in File Edit screen in bottom right corner you see New Folder. Press it, give the new folder name and press OK.


Quote from: beebs on Aug 15, 2023, 07:56 AM
Hi Lacko/Derek,
Prefer I think to store each set into the USB.      How do u guys store your sets?
Thanks, Bob
I keep everything stored in keyboard, so for playing I don't need any USB. Backup I keep in PC and USB stick serves only for transferring new or changed files from keyboard to PC (or vice versa if needed). This is what works for me. SX700 has plenty of memory.


The memory on the SX700 has not got that much space. If you add a few styles on it as well as registrations it will soon fill up. Also if you want to record Audio WAV or MP3 a USB stick must be used.


Quote from: Lacko on Aug 15, 2023, 12:10 PM
I keep everything stored in keyboard, so for playing I don't need any USB. Backup I keep in PC and USB stick serves only for transferring new or changed files from keyboard to PC (or vice versa if needed). This is what works for me. SX700 has plenty of memory.

I would definitely recommend not using the internal memory for your registrations, styles etc but rather always reading them from the USB stick. The read speed from the USB is high enough that there is really no effect on how fast you can load them.

One advantage of this is that it always keeps everything in the right place relative to each other, because you're not risking moving things around as you transfer between PC and keyboard. For your backup on PC you just make a complete copy of the USB content.