S: CVP-83/CVP-85/CVP-87 Style Disc(s) ?

Started by xeption, Feb 14, 2023, 06:13 AM

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I recently got a broken CVP-87A I repaired (exchange of capacitors, fixed damaged PCB tracks).
As it is now working again I would like to use the styles for this digital piano. It was originally delivered with at least a style and an orchestra disk and additional documentation beside the owners and service manual (I found on the internet).

Can anybody provide the missing style disk(s) and/or additional documentation (like scores/beginners guide, ...)?
Seems the style disks have been the same for the CVP-83, 85 and 87 Model.

And; Is there any documentation about the format of the style files? Any software recommendations to edit/create these files?

Thanks in advance


The only tricky part I recall is that those early CVP's didn't use 1.44mb floppy, they used 720k (double density vs high density).
XG midi if I recall



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