SX700 - Right3 can't be mixed with Right1 and Right2

Started by SX700AusieGuy, May 06, 2023, 09:58 PM

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Hi all

The manual says you can mix Right1, Right2 and Right3 basically in any combinations you like. The experience I've had with my SX700 (7 months years old) is that while this is true in many cases, there are quite a few cases where Right3 can't be mixed with Right1 and/or Right2.

What I mean is:
- I can mix Right1 and Right2 together any time, when playing any Style, any Voice.
- I can mix Right1 and Right2 and Right3 together when playing a number of certant Styles, any perhaps Voices.
- However it appears that with some other Styles (or Voices?), whenever I select Right3 then only Right3 plays, and Right1 and Right2 don't make any sound despite I've selected them.  When I look at the Mixer (on the screen - under Pan/Volume), only the green light of Right3 is on while the green lights of Right1 and Right2 are off (even though I've selected them and I can see the orange lights of buttons Right1 and Right2 are on).

Does anybody experience the same?

Any explanation and/or how to fix this?

Thanks very much in advance.

Fred Smith

Quote from: SX700AusieGuy on May 06, 2023, 09:58 PM
Hi all

The manual says you can mix Right1, Right2 and Right3 basically in any combinations you like. The experience I've had with my SX700 (7 months years old) is that while this is true in many cases, there are quite a few cases where Right3 can't be mixed with Right1 and/or Right2.

What I mean is:
- I can mix Right1 and Right2 together any time, when playing any Style, any Voice.
- I can mix Right1 and Right2 and Right3 together when playing a number of certant Styles, any perhaps Voices.
- However it appears that with some other Styles (or Voices?), whenever I select Right3 then only Right3 plays, and Right1 and Right2 don't make any sound despite I've selected them.  When I look at the Mixer (on the screen - under Pan/Volume), only the green light of Right3 is on while the green lights of Right1 and Right2 are off (even though I've selected them and I can see the orange lights of buttons Right1 and Right2 are on).

Does anybody experience the same?

Any explanation and/or how to fix this?

Thanks very much in advance.

You can have any three voices play at any time. But you have to set your split point properly.

You have a split point issue. Something (one or more registrations) are changing your split point.

First, set the split point the way you want (eg, R1+R2+R3 play together).
Second, go to Utility>Parameter Lock and check Split Point, so your registrations don't change it.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Yay!  :D

Thank you so much Fred!

It now seems so simple once I know how to do it (from your instructions). You've saved me a lot of hair tearing and cursing!

Much appreciated! :)


Hi SX700AusieGuy,

Please press [Direct Access] > [Sync Start] to call up the Split Point display. So that all three Right parts can be played simultaneously, the Right3 split point must be set exactly one semitone higher than the Left split point. The default Split Point setting is as follows:

Style: F#2
Left: F#2
Right3: G2

Note that the R3 split point is only active when the R3 part is turned on.

To understand the "problem" you described, please try the following: First set the split points to the default values ​​mentioned above, then the Chord detection area and the Left area go up to F#2, and from G3 onwards R1+R2+R3 will sound (when all three Right parts are on).

Now, as a test, set the R3 split point to G#2, i.e. a semitone higher than before. If all three Right parts are now on, R1+R2 only sound on note G2 (i.e. in the "area" between Left and R3 split point), and from G#3 only the R3 part can be heard. Now set the R3 split point back to G3 and the "problem" is fixed. :)

Important: Then close the Split Point display (by pressing Exit button or touching the X icon) to automatically save the settings in System Setup.

Note that the current split points are always automatically memorized in Registrations (Style & Left split points with the STYLE checkbox, R3 split point with the VOICE checkbox).

If you want to avoid having your split points changed by Registrations containing different split point settings, you can, as Fred mentioned, lock the split points in the "Parameter Lock" display. Then the split points can only be changed manually, i.e. directly in the Split Point display.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Yep Chris. I've done just that, like Fred and you said. And it works just as I'd like it to work now  :D

Thanks very much for your help :)


You"re welcome, SX700AusieGuy! :)

I wish you lots of fun and joy with your SX700.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)