i3/EK 50 Styles

Started by Moontom, Feb 18, 2023, 11:33 AM

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I know many of the styles on board the i3 and EK50 are sourced from previous Korg PA80-era arrangers....and therefore available on the Styles page here.

I'm curious if anyone has seen any of the additional Korg styles since then -- up to the ones they are including on the new EK Caribbean models etc. which I haven't heard yet....

thanks in advance...


The EK50 was essentially a stripped down PA300, so yes a lot of the styles were re-used.

Heck, one of my friends is a huge Korg fan, and still loves the PA1000, and had been looking forward to the PA5x for 5 years... but when it arrived, he was underwhelmed at how many styles were re-used (about 2/3 are re-used). I told him to lower his expectations for that since *everybody* re-uses old styles, and then adds new ones. I mean, if they were so good and you really enjoyed them on your older keyboard, why would they throw them all out? Happens on any brand.

I would've loved to grab the styles out of the korgs, but they've made it insanely obtuse to do so. In particular I would've loved to grab all the Beatles styles out of the Korg Liverpool, and of course the ultra modern ones from the PA1000/Pa4x and now the PA5x (which I did find how to export the styles from PA5x/4x, but again without a hex editor handy, and no frame of reference on the new style header file from Korg, no idea how to extract into a Yamaha style).

Although I suppose we *could* always record a midi file using all the style parts and then feed through the brilliant Jorgen Sorensen's midi to style...

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although a native style to style converter would still be better.

Oh, and the PA80 era arrangers styles? A lot are *still* used to this date, including on the PA5x. Hey, they were really good!


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Mark Wilburn



HI, i've just converted bonus styles for EK50; try them but i don't know if they sound good on Genos; some are good on SX900; i've added OTS from SX900; all the best have a nice sunday, Patrick

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thank you Patrick! wow!

Always really liked the Korg style approach and am curious about these genre-speciality EKs they announced recently. why the Liverpool styles were so locked to that device is beyond me.
even the early PA80 styles sound really nice and settled on the genos....really looking forward to working with these.

thank you.


Here is a demo, unusually simple if you compare it with busy accompaniments famous brands prefer to show the power of their new gears.

Here you can really appreciate the quality of sounds.



Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


Hi Patrick --

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Great conversions. I just auditioned some of these styles on Genos and people should definitely snag these gems.

-- pj


Oh wow, thanks Patrick!


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Mark Wilburn



Hi, thanks all; i hope you'll find some good one's in this collection, all the best Patrick  :)

Jeff Hollande

Very much appreciated, Patrick !  :)

Best wishes, JH


Hi all, more conversion from korg; latin world and more; just added PSR SX 900 OTS and icones. Hope you'll have a nice weekend, all the best from Patrick South Pacific Islands  :) :) :)

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Jeff Hollande

Hi Patrick :

Again new conversions ! WOW !  :)
Thank you so much.


Great conversions Patrick  THX!!!!!!!!


Dear Sir,
If possible, can I have the i3/EK styles back on this forum please as your drop box is deleted. I opened this forum after a while. Appreciate.


Hi Sarath, i've adapted the link of my dropbox, so you can download the Korg EK50 bonus styles; all the best Patrick


Many thanks for the conversions. Korg have always had some great styles, so I'm looking forward to trying these out later.  :)
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.



Hi Patrick

Just tried these styles on Tyros 4.

They work very well

Thank you very much for your generosity

to provide these very good conversions.
