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Expansion Packs deleted upon install of new ones

Started by TheOrganGrinder, Mar 31, 2023, 05:26 AM

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I know this is an old topic but being a new comer to this forum and the T5 I need help with this.
I can understand why the T5 reformats the Expansion area but what I can not find out is how to install or re-install all the old packs along with the new ones. After having created a file with all the old packs in it, put the USB stick in the drive, pressed "function" then "pack install" all the packs I am wanting to install are listed on the screen but the T5 will only allow one of them to be selected, it therefore installs the selected one only and deletes the ones already installed.


You must use the YEM software to create a single installation pack file which contains *all* the content you want in one file. Then you load that single file into the T5.

In YEM make sure everything you want included is ticked green before creating the installation file.


If you have added new packs to your YEM then you have to make sure that all the packs you want to load have a green tick in them including the new ones. You then have to save a new Install pack on your USB stick. Now load this one into your keyboard.


Many thanks for that info. DerekA.
Does the Installation File I create have to have a particular name or designation (.???)
I am something of a dummy when it comes to computer jargon. Do you know if there is a step by step guide published anywhere telling/showing how to create this file?
Thanks again.


You need to download and install the YEM software (Yamaha Expansion Manager) for your PC, from the Yamaha website. You use this software to combine the packs and create a new installation file.

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Many people hate this software. It is a bit clumsy and slow. But if you are just using it to combine and install packs, it's fine - ignore all the bits in the manual about creating your own packs and voices.



Many thanks again.
I have had a go and I think we may just have cracked it.
Great response.
Thanks again.