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memory in PSR S970

Started by Denn, Mar 28, 2023, 02:30 AM

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I have just bought a new PSR S970. I downloaded the Yamaha entertainer pack and installed the bits that I wanted. Now I don't seem to have any room in my User group. I wanted to install my registrations and styles in the user section so that I could link them and play out with no bother.
Question, how do I remove the bits that I don't want from the user group to make room for my registrations?
Maybe I will have to rely on using a USB stick?
Next, How do I determine how much memory I have in the user section?
Also, when I installed the pack it cleared all the registrations that I had put into the user section. (sad).
Kind regards, Denn.
Love knitting dolls

Fred Smith

Quote from: Denn on Mar 28, 2023, 02:30 AM
I have just bought a new PSR S970. I downloaded the Yamaha entertainer pack and installed the bits that I wanted. Now I don't seem to have any room in my User group. I wanted to install my registrations and styles in the user section so that I could link them and play out with no bother.
Question, how do I remove the bits that I don't want from the user group to make room for my registrations?
Maybe I will have to rely on using a USB stick?
Next, How do I determine how much memory I have in the user section?
Also, when I installed the pack it cleared all the registrations that I had put into the user section. (sad).
Kind regards, Denn.

How did you "install" the bits?

Normal installation will not delete any files from the drive. Are you sure you're accessing the registrations properly?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Denn on Mar 28, 2023, 02:30 AM
I have just bought a new PSR S970. I downloaded the Yamaha entertainer pack and installed the bits that I wanted. Now I don't seem to have any room in my User group. I wanted to install my registrations and styles in the user section so that I could link them and play out with no bother.
Question, how do I remove the bits that I don't want from the user group to make room for my registrations?
Maybe I will have to rely on using a USB stick?
Next, How do I determine how much memory I have in the user section?
Also, when I installed the pack it cleared all the registrations that I had put into the user section. (sad).
Kind regards, Denn.

Hi Denn,

Unfortunately, even after reading your request several times, I don't know exactly what your problems are. So here are some general tips:

The internal flash memory, in which the User drive (and also the "Expansion" folder) is located, is relatively small on the S970 (only about 13 MB). It is therefore not recommended to store many Styles and/or MIDI files in the User drive (except a few very small files like Registration Bank files, Multi Pad Bank files and/or User Voice files). A USB stick should be used as the main storage medium for your own files with the S970. If you have saved too many of your own files in the User drive, there may not be enough space in the "Expansion" folder for the styles, registrations and multi pads etc. of the expansion packs to be installed.

Regarding Expansion Packs:
Installing a pack directly onto the S970 (with the associated .cpi/.ppi Pack Install file) will erase all previously installed expansion content. In order to combine the contents of several packs, the Expansion Manager (YEM) must be used. So all desired packs (.cpf/.ppf files) must be imported into the YEM, and before saving your own Pack Install file (.cpi/.ppi) on the USB stick, make sure that all expansion content that is to be installed on the keyboard are actually selected in the YEM (green tick for all desired packs/contents).

Note: When running the Pack Install function on the S970, the previous contents of the "Expansion" folder in the User drive are always overwritten, but files in the User drive that are outside the Expansion folder are never deleted.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Answer to Fred. When installing the pack I ticked only the voices and styles that I wanted, those are the "bits". When I installed some packs on my T4 I "mixed and matched", I selected only the voices and styles that I wanted from about 4 packs. That was ten years ago and my memory is starting to fail.
Now with the S970 it seems that I have to use a USB stick for my registrations and styles.
On my T4 I set up a registration and style. I then name the registration to the name of the song. Also name the style to the name of the song. They are then linked on my hard drive. No problems. I am concerned that if I have to use a USB on my 970 then the registrations and styles may lose the link when I unplug the USB. This would be a disaster when playing out. Can't leave the USB in place as it may get broken, not a lot of space at the back of the 970.
Next question. How do I remove the pack that I have now installed on my 970?
Kind regards, Denn.
Love knitting dolls


Disaster with my S970. Sat for 2 days putting all my registrations that I wanted for playing out at the restaurant. Set up two folders on a 16Gb flash drive, one for named registrations and one for named styles. Played them at home and everything seemed fine. Of course, I could not leave the USB in the back of the keyboard as it sticks out too far. Unplugged it and away; I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.
Get to the venue, set up and disaster! None of the registrations worked. No pedals, no named styles linked and worst of all the voices were wrong with quite a few as they were custom voices.
The only way I can see out of this is to make up the registrations and styles in the User section. There is only 13Mb of storage in the user but with registrations being only 25kb and styles being 2Kb or 3 Kb then I should be able to get my evening program set. Just concerned about the voice setup.
I am not sure about this but I have to go out again tomorrow night. Hope that luck lasts.
Regards, Denn
Love knitting dolls


Hi Denn,

It seems you haven't fully understood how registrations work.

It is important that you have already created the folder with the user styles on the stick before you start creating registrations and that this folder and the styles it contains are not moved or renamed later.

Make sure that you only have ONE USB stick connected and that it is shown on the keyboard as "USB1" (both when creating the registration and later when playing).

When using a user style, make sure that it has actually been loaded from your Style folder on the USB stick.

When memorizing Registrations on the individual Registration Memory buttons, make sure that (after pressing the MEMORY button) really all the required boxes are ticked, i.e. at least Style, Tempo, Voice, Keyboard Harmony (!) and Pedal (only if the pedal settings should be set/changed by this registration!).

Finally, save the Registration Bank and make sure that you really save it in the right folder on the USB stick.

Copy the compete data of your main USB stick 1:1 on another stick on the computer and save the data in a folder (named with the current date) on the computer as well.

If you follow these principles, all registrations should always work correctly.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hello, Thanks Chris for your reply. It has been my experience that when you remove the USB stick it is no longer linked to the kbd. Today I will do a complete factory reset and start from scratch. I may use my other method of "play by styles". Use a renamed onboard style into the user section and set the voices that I want to the OTS. Example; W90, W105, W125 for waltzes then FX 108, FX116 etc. These being onboard styles should stay in the user section.
I have never had this problem with my T4 because it has the big hard drive. Will try to so as you recommend.
Thanks for your help.
ps; I will return and let you know. :)
Love knitting dolls


Hi Denn,

Forget the S970's User drive to save your user styles and your  registrations, use the USB stick as described. The User drive is much too small for that. Here you can, for example, save a few Registration Banks (e.g. Setup Registrations) or User Voice files that you want to have quick access to.

Of course, if the USB stick is unplugged, you cannot access the data stored there. But if you saved everything correctly beforehand, everything will be available again immediately after reconnecting the stick.

By the way, there are very small/short USB sticks that can remain connected to the keyboard during transport without running the risk of damaging them.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Again I must thank you for your reply. Having read what you wrote and thinking about things going back to my PSR S900 I wrote this up this morning.
Yes, I have been trying to get a 16Gb "Plug & Stay" USB but they are only available from China on eBay. They still stick out some. Wonder if there is any way to fix the "user" bits of a 32Gb USB into the inside of the kbd?

Have sorted MY error.
What Went Wrong.

After the disaster of Friday evening I sat and pondered WHY? Logic tells me that the machine is fixed and can't be led astray. I thought of an analogy with the motor car. The car will not start unless the proper procedure is followed.

1.    Get into the car with the controller.

2.    Ensure that the gear is in PARK!

3.    Put your foot on the brake pedal

4.    Press the start button.

If you do not follow these instructions in THAT order then the car won't start. Logic.

With the keyboard, the logic is to put up a STYLE and hang everything on that. Logic; you can FREEZE the style but you can't freeze anything else. Everything has to hang on the style even if you change the style name the voices and pedals will still be linked to the basic style.

Quote "A rose by any other name is still a smelly flower."

My error was to have made registrations and saved them to a USB stick. Sure the registrations went to that USB but the STYLE was NOT THERE!!

Hence the pedal settings and other things went awry because they did not have the STYLE to hang on.
Loaded all the styles that I wanted into the User section; all my named styles.

Loaded all the named modified voices that I wanted into the User section.

Picked a style, put in the voices and pedal settings and saved the registration in the User section. Although the registration was saved as a name "Apple Blossom" the STYLE controlled the registration.

When you press the button for "Registration" and go to the User section only the registrations show up.

When you press the button for "Style" and go to the User section only the Styles show up.

When you press the button for "Voices" and go to the User section only the Voices show up.

Logic has it that the style controls everything.


This procedure will probably work saving to a USB stick.


Love knitting dolls

Fred Smith

Glad you're continuing to try to get this right, Denn.

To help you along, it's the registration that controls the style, not the other way around. The registration will control everything you memorize into it.

It is true, as you've found out, it the registration can't find the referenced style (or any other referenced), it will do nothing (ie, leave the currently loaded style in place).

Pedal settings will be set regardless of whether the registration finds the style.

Lastly, you're wasting your time continually doing keyboard resets. They're almost never needed as the problem is operator, not keyboard, error.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hello Fred, I am certain that Yamaha would not put out a faulty keyboard. You are correct, it is the operator that has to look. There are three pages of boxes to be ticked or unticked. I know the Menu one and had to search for the Parameter Lock one. Not sure about the other but WILL find it! Think I have got most of it sorted now. Will continue ticking boxes and unticking boxes until it is what I want. Lucky I have my Tyros for reference.
Keyboards are for playing with and not necessarily for playing!  ;D
Apart from the frustrations, I am having fun. Probably the same with my SX700.
Thanks for your replies.
Kind regards, Denn.
Love knitting dolls

sd isaac

Good day to all..

How can I know, the available space in the internal memory (13Mb) of my PSR-S970? I need to know how much of memory left, so that I can plan where to save my next styles (internal or USB stick).
Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
sd isaac


hi sd isaac,
As it seems, PSR-S970 doesn't have option for showing remaining user memory capacity (which is probably the reason why you ask). Anyway, I'm sure that in case there's not enough space left, you will be warned when you attempt to save a new style (or anything else).

13MB isn't that much space.. or can be just enough -depending on how you organize things. If average style size is about 30kB, then there's space for ~450 styles.. sounds a lot, but it isn't really. The thing is, we usually save all kind of things into user memory (voices settings, registrations, etc.), which also eats available space. And finally, 450 styles is only a theoretical number which probably can't be achieved (depending on what kind of file system Yamaha uses).
Anyway, in such case, I would use user memory for "must have" things only and the rest I would save on USB stick. Well, I guess I told you nothing new really.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


I would save *everything* on the usb stick and back that up (once every month or 3?)

13mb is nothing. I think if you go into untilities you can see how much space, but why put yourself through that hassle? if you create the registrations with your styles in folders on the usb, as long as you don't move them to another folder, your USB stick will work on *any* subsequent PSRs/sx series.
(Which Chris & Fred have already said ). Likewise, resetting your keyboard serves no purpose here; and removing the USB drive isnt' an option either.

I have a 128GB one of these
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doesn't stick out much at all.


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Mark Wilburn

sd isaac

Many thanks to Bogdan & Mark for your valuable info.
sd isaac