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Midi to sx600 style

Started by icatalin42, Mar 25, 2023, 11:19 PM

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Hi all again,

I love modern talking brother louie and since i havent found a similar quality style yet, i did find a midi which sounds amazing on my sx600 and i play it in my own, i mean i switch off chanells 4,5,6 (lead voices) for the song main 3 voice parts and play my own. Although playing a midi is fantastic, since it doesnt qualify as 100% playing, i would need a style in the end.

I would like it to sound like this (see link below, midi play on my sx600):
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Thank you in advance.

Roger Brenizer

Quote from: icatalin42 on Mar 25, 2023, 11:19 PM
It seems i cannot attach a midi file. Why?

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Wow,i see. Ill see how i use my google drive and upload the file and share the link here. Tx

Update: i posted a link to google drive.  Does anybody know how to convert a midi to a similar sounding style?it is ok to play from midi but i would prefer style play.


I would like to second the request, as I am also looking for how to convert a MIDI file into a style file for the PSR SX.

Thanks in advance for any kind help from the more knowledgeable forum members (more knowledgeable than me, that is),

Roger Brenizer

You could try Jørgen Sørensen's midi2style program, which can be found at the following link:

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