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Coloured Folders

Started by pegwill, Mar 24, 2023, 06:41 AM

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Hi Guys
Thought you might be interested in this, it's a program called 'Folder Painter' it is free and can be downloaded from the link below.  It's for a Windows operating System. I have used it on Windows 7 and am currently using it on Windows 10

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I have been using it for quite some time now and found it very useful. I have no affiliation to the creators, just a happy user.

What it allows you to do is colour code your folders.  There are 14 different colours you can use. I typically use the traffic light colours. For example,
-   Original Colour – Not processed
-   Orange  In process
-   Red – Something holding up processing, eg Technical problems more information needed etc
-   Green – Processed, eg transferred to USB

As you can see with 14 colours you could set your own, Midi, Styles, Registrations, etc
This lets you see at a glance the status of the contents which is very useful I find.

I also use it show which files I have chosen to be automatically backed up.

You can change the colour of a folder at any time – so once one is has been processed (from a stuck situation, Red) it can easily be changed to Green show processed and moved to USB. I'm sure you get the idea.

I believe it is possible use colour folders on a Mac, but this has not yet found its way onto Windows machines.
The use as they say is only limited by your imagination and the colour codes you choose.

Hope this helps

Have a good weekend all


Keyboard Master
