Delete a style from the search engine?

Started by Pityus, Mar 17, 2023, 02:09 PM

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I have a lot of styles that I keep in several libraries on my pen drive.
I would like to keep only good ones from the many styles with similar names called up in the search engine.
I can listen to them here, but you can't delete what you don't like.
I have to go into the contact folder indicated below separately to delete it.
Is there an easier way to do this?


What do you mean by 'I can listen to them here' ??
Do you mean on this website? The only place you can really listen to them properly is on your keyboard.


You could maybe put the ones you don't like in a different pen, and put the new pen up somewhere, like a drawer?


An example: I was looking for a good Jumbo Reggae style in my instrument.
I found 43 pieces in the search engine. By clicking on it in the viewfinder,
I could listen to them one by one. In this case,
I get information about where to find each of them in the bottom line.
I have thousands of styles and they are in many folders that I want to organize.
I want to delete the excess. That is why I regret that the deletion cannot be
done using the search function, even though it would be faster that way.
So far, Mhack's proposal seems to be the best.


Rather than laboriously deleting the ones you do not what, you would find it easier to start off with a clean stick and copy those that you know are useful to you. I would do this on a PC initially then gradually copy using the keyboard from one stick to the other.  The stick you are using at the moment I would keep (not connected to KB) for future reference.




It's a temptation to gather huge style collections for these machines, but you are finding the downside. These collections inevitably contain many duplicates, many faulty or poor styles, and many preset styles that have only been re- named. The result is that it's a lot of work to sort good from bad, and no easy way to do that. And even if you do cull the out and out bad ones , it's still not always easy  to find a suitable style for a specific song among a huge collection.
I gave up on this years ago, as I found it a huge waste of time. I work around pretty much just what is in the presets.