Style suggestion for Neil Diamond's "Play Me" on an SX900

Started by MCammuso, Mar 02, 2023, 02:19 PM

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The sheet music I have is in 3/4 time and I'm imagining some sort of guitar arpeggio/picking as opposed to strumming. What do you think?


When I play that song I use a style called Celine Ballade.

Here's a link to both the style and an mp3 of the last time I played and recorded PLAY ME.

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Thanks. I'll take a listen. I was just searching on the keyboard and found Guitar Serenade, which covers both of my requirements. It's in 3/4 time and it's a guitar arpeggio style. Now to give it a try.


dr4sight, I tried and enjoyed the "Celine Ballade" style you provided. Thank you. However, I'm going to use the onboard style I mentioned above.