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Saving Left Voice problem

Started by Key 1, Mar 09, 2023, 07:39 PM

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Key 1

Hi friends,
First of all I have both a Tyros 4 & PSR 970 & have many years of experience of saving information to individual Registration Memories & then on to a Registration Bank with both keyboards.

However, on the PSR 970,  I'm presently trying to change a Left Voice in a Registration Memory, then re-save this to a new Registration Bank.
1.  The R/M won't accept the new voice. - Old voice remains unchanged.
      I've tried using different voices but with the same results.

2.  Re. - Another issue is that while playing, if I change to a different R/M & then change back to the original R/M , the left voice sometimes takes on the voice of the changed R/M.

I've tried to eliminate the issue by using different Registration Banks, but to no avail.
I've re-read all of the info. Re. Saving etc. to make sure that I'm not doing this wrong, & double checking my procedures, but can't find a solution.

Your help would be much appreciated.



Hi Alan,

The solution to the described behavior is relatively simple:

The Left Voice is memorized in Registrations with the "Style" tick, NOT with the "Voice" tick. So if "Style" is not ticked when you memorize the panel settings to a registration button, the Left Voice will NOT be memorized.

To memorize the Right Voices, "Voice" and "Harmony" ("Keyboard Harmony") must be ticked, for the Left Voice, as I said, "Style" as well.

If you want to create a pure "Voice Reg" that will later switch the Left Voice, but NOT the current STYLE, you have to use a little trick:

Copy any style to a USB stick that you only use for this purpose and rename the style to e.g. "Dummy". Now load this style from the USB stick. Make the desired settings for the Keyboard Voices. Memorize the settings to the desired Registration buttons with the "Style" box ticked and finally save the Registration Bank. Now remove the USB stick on which the Dummy style is stored. The registrations in question can no longer find this style and therefore only the Left voice is changed (and the Right voices if the "Voice" and "Harmony" boxes were also ticked), but not the style.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Fred Smith

Left Voice is part of the Style group. Ensure Style is checked when you memorize the registration.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Key 1

Hi Chris & Fred,

Thankyou both for your quick reply.
As I have never had a need to save a left voice after all this time,  no wonder I was unaware of what was required.
I've certainly learned something today & appreciate this as this will stay with me now.

I have put your information into practise and it worked beautifully.  I'm very happy.

Many thanks once again.



Graham UK

Chris. Just checking your reply.
When I save my Favorite Voices Left + Right + Layer to RGT (Style Unticked) to use with any style.
If Having the Style ticked would reload the style (Not Wanted).


Hi Graham

As Chris has said you need to remove the USB Stick, then the style cannot be found. If you want to keep the USB Stick connected simply delete the style.



Graham UK

Bill. I fully Understood what Chris is saying...But I was talking about out saving RGT Voices only without a Style ticked.
I use this method most days to be able to use my Teaked Favorite Voices RGT's Banks with any Style very well.