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Style editor bug?

Started by Simone1972, Aug 04, 2022, 10:07 AM

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Dear all,
I'm struggling everytime I want to edit a style containing a "dynamic change" of an effect (like the wah pedal).
Even if modifying other channels, once the style is saved that dynamic effect gets lost.
Don't know if other users faced the same issue but it is really annoying.
Maybe it is an SX bug only...
One example is the CRAZYPOP style.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Hi Simone,

I suspect that the problem described is due to the DSP (effect block) assignment. With the SX900 only three (3) DSPs can be used for Styles (Insertion effects 7 & 8 as well as the Variation effect if this is configured as an Insertion effect).

With the SX900 preset style "CrazyPop" you mentioned, one of the two Insertion effect blocks that can be used for the Style is assigned to MIDI channel 12 (style part "Chord1", effect type "Multi FX Crunch Wah") and the second Insertion effect block is assigned to MIDI channel 9 assigned (style part "Rhythm1", effect type "Ambience Celeste"). Incidentally, the Variation effect is configured here as a "System" effect (effect type "Tempo Cross 1"), so it is not available here as an additional Insertion effect for styles.

When editing a style, the DSP assignment may change unintentionally. Therefore, before saving the changed style, check whether the desired DSPs (effect blocks) are assigned to the relevant style channels or assign the DSPs (with the desired effect types) to the relevant style channels manually.

In the case of the "CrazyPop" style mentioned, I recommend checking the DSP assignment first with the unchanged preset style and then checking the modified saved style (in "Mixer > Style page > Effect tab > Assign Part Setting".

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks a lot Chris for your always value added comments.
I will try to take a deeper look as soon as I can.



So have you tried copying the pattern back into the style again (using the original style) and then saving it?

I have the PSR-950 model and do not loose effects when modifying the other channels of the style.

BUT if you are copying a pattern from Style A and into Style B ... You can loose the effects that way.
The solution is then to use Style B and copy Style A parts into B.



Dear all,
I made several attempts through all the different tips you suggested (also unlocking the style).
What I can say is that the effect parameter data gets lost in any copy/edit operation.
This kind of parameter is not shown within the Style edit tool (attached a picture of the step edit window with all the active filters on).
Using the "magic style" editor, it comes evident how the parameter changing value over time is missing in the edited style.....

This is really a BIG BIG gap !!


[attachment deleted by admin]


Dear members,
I refresh this topic 'cause I'm falling back to the same annoying issue.

I'm trying to edit the FUNKPOP style (section R&B in SX900) but the beautiful wah wah guitar effect get lost....
These are the links to two videos, showing how the initial guitar is playing before and after the editing.

It's really frustrating, PLEASE HELP !!

Pre-edit style "dynamic" effect:
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post-edit style "static" result:
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Keyboard Master

Quote from: Simone1972 on Feb 21, 2023, 08:44 AM
Dear members,
I refresh this topic 'cause I'm falling back to the same annoying issue.

I'm trying to edit the FUNKPOP style (section R&B in SX900) but the beautiful wah wah guitar effect get lost....
These are the links to two videos, showing how the initial guitar is playing before and after the editing.

It's really frustrating, PLEASE HELP !!

Pre-edit style "dynamic" effect:
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post-edit style "static" result:
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Right after youmake youe settings try saving the style first then see if any results.


So if I understand correctly from your video clip ...

+ Load the CrazyPop style

+ It has a Variation Effect assiged in instertion mode on the Chord1 part. The WahPedal depth parameter of the effect varies up and down over time as the style plays.

+ Use the StyleAssembly feature to swap out say rythym 1 from another style

+ Result is that the DSP assignment / parameters on the Variation Effect are unchanged, BUT the parameter values are now all static im time whereas the WahPedal depth parameter used to vary over time.

The key here may be that it's the variation effect that's being used. I am not sure where the SYSEX that controls the parameter depth change over time is stored.

+ Can anyone else reproduce this on SX / Genos ?


You are 100% correct. In the recent case the style is FunkPop.
A very annoying defect....

Regardless of how and where the data is stored, it shouln't get lost.
