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Started by Ab van Polanen, Feb 06, 2023, 07:40 AM

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Ab van Polanen

I have made two registration , each one contains the 8 available places. I saved them both as registration files. With all the voices etc. The thing I want to accomplish is, to put in the last 4 registration (5-8) from  registration nr 2 into the first four registration places from registration nr 1.
How must I do that or is this not possible.

Thnx in advance for the reactions



Fred Smith

Quote from: Ab van Polanen on Feb 06, 2023, 07:40 AM
I have made two registration , each one contains the 8 available places. I saved them both as registration files. With all the voices etc. The thing I want to accomplish is, to put in the last 4 registration (5-8) from  registration nr 2 into the first four registration places from registration nr 1.
How must I do that or is this not possible.

It's possible. To copy one button to another file:

1. Load the source file, Press the source button.
2. Load the destination file. Don't press any of its buttons.
3. Memorize the target button.
3. Save the file.

Just do this four times.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Ab van Polanen

Thnx , for your reaction. I give it a try.  :)

Ab van Polanen

It works only the other style is also copied. Must I put the style off in settings of the registration memory

Ab van Polanen

Wrong answer from me it don,t work. May be I do something wrong on the sx 700

Ab van Polanen

Now it works, when I put off the style and tempo in the panel settings.


When pressing Memory button, screen with selectable options is displayed. Simply uncheck style (or anything else, what you don't want to memorize into Registration Memory) and press desired Registration Memory button.

Ab van Polanen



Quote from: Ab van Polanen on Feb 06, 2023, 07:40 AM
I have made two registration , each one contains the 8 available places. I saved them both as registration files. With all the voices etc. The thing I want to accomplish is, to put in the last 4 registration (5-8) from  registration nr 2 into the first four registration places from registration nr 1.
How must I do that or is this not possible.

Thnx in advance for the reactions


Hi Ab,

Usually you memorize the same style on all registrations of a Bank. Some users only memorize the style on Registration button #1, so uncheck "Style" to memorize the rest of the Reg buttons. Just don't forget to check the box again before creating a new Reg Bank.

Regarding your original request, I recommend the following:

1. Press "Direct Access > Freeze" to bring up the Freeze settings. Make sure only the "Style" checkbox is ticked and close the Freeze display (via Exit button or touching the X icon) to save these settings.

2. Make sure the Freeze button is OFF, i.e. not lit.

3. Load the later target registration (so that the "correct" style is loaded).

4. Turn ON the Freeze button. The current style can no longer be changed by registrations.

5. Load the source Reg Bank and in it the desired registration (whose Voices you want to copy to the other Bank).

6. Now load the target Reg Bank again, but don't press any Reg button yet.

7. Press the Memory button and make sure that all required checkboxes are ticked, in this case at least "Style", "Voice" and "Keyboard Harmony" (!). The latter tick should always be set when memorizing Voices, even if "Keyboard Harmony" is not used at all (to ensure that this function is switched on or off correctly by the reg).

8. Press the desired Reg button on which you want to memorize the current keyboard voices and save the current Reg Bank again.

9. If necessary, repeat steps 5 - 8 to copy additional Keyboard Voice settings from other Reg Banks.

10. Finally turn off the Freeze button again.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Ab van Polanen

Thnx, I am trying to follow the recipe. :)

Ab van Polanen

Both ways work, thnx very much


You're welcome, Ab!

I'm glad to could help you. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)