How to add different voices to each style to play live.

Started by Luis_Van_Gogh, Sep 06, 2021, 02:56 PM

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I would like to add different voices to the styles of my songs and have the voices there ready so that when I turn off and on the psr sx900 they don't get lost since I can have them ready to play live this way, is it possible? How is it done?


Best is to use registrations. You can have 8 voice settings in 1 registration bank. You can save the registration in such a way that recalling the registration does not change the style if you want.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


You can also change the of the style OTS to save the voices you want in that style.


You can always change the voices you want in the style and then got to style creator and save style as a used style. Just add an A to the style title and you will know it is an altered one. Your new voices will always be there when you choose this style.




It was never clear from your question whether you wanted to change the RH voice to play along with the style or change actual voices within the style, this is a huge difference, although in fact the question has been answered both ways.
Changing and saving the Lh or Rh voice you play is one of the simplest things to do on these keyboards and something you can do multiple ways - registrations, OTS.... But changing and saving voices used within a style can only be done in the style creator and saved as a user style with a new name.


Hi Luis,

If you have only changed the OTS (One Touch Settings) of a style (not the settings of the style parts), you can simply save the style again via the Style Selection display (to the User drive or the connected USB stick). In this case you do NOT have to call up the Style Creator. (See the SX900 Owner's Manual, page 54, "Memorizing Original Panel Settings to One Touch Setting".)

If you have changed the settings of the style parts and want to save them directly in the style, you have to use the Style Creator to do so.

The easiest way, however, is to save all changes in Registrations. It is important that after pressing the Memory button you check whether the correct checkmarks are set:

In order to save ("memorize") the current Right Voice settings in Registrations, the checkmarks "Voice" and "Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio" must be ticked.

The current Left Voice settings as well as changes to the voices of the style parts are saved with the "Style" checkmark. In addition, the checkmarks "Tempo" and "Transpose" should be ticked. For me, also the checkmarks for "Multi Pad" and "Scale Tune" are usually ticked. (See the SX900 Owner's Manual, pages 87/88, "Saving and Recalling Custom Panel Setups with Registration Memory".)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


1st - The idea is to modify the voices (either one, two or three voices together) that are already predefined and once created, save them.
2nd - Use these new voices in the Style Creator and put them together in each style.
3º - Modify the style from the predefined styles and save both the modified style and several new modified voices in banks from the Style Creator.
4º - In this way I have my personalized songs ready to play them live.

If this is how I understood what you have explained, many thanks to johan, mikf, EileenL and overover for your great help.  ;)