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Mobile Sheets & Weird Side Effects

Started by LaHawk, Jan 24, 2023, 02:47 PM

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I've had some weird occurrences with an Android tablet and Mobile Sheets connected to a SX900
(I do use the tablet to link Keyboard Registrations to Mobile Sheets and it works great). 

However, recently when  connected with Tablet and Mobile Sheets app activated,
1. Insertion Effects are off, and can't be turned on in Voice Part Setup
2. When using registrations (linked with Mobile Sheets) that had a "break or variation", that break and variation play in a  loop .
3. Keyboard sounds are distorted

With the tablet and Mobile Sheets disconnected, or if I exit the Mobile Sheets app, SX-900 works fine.  I never had this problem before today. I'm thinking I need to make changes in "MIDI" settings on the keyboard. ( I've tried resetting MIDI on the SX900 but did not help). 
Or I need to make some changes in Mobile Sheets. 

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


I found a solution. Even though I could link registrations using the Power port C connection on the tablet to the SX900 and Mobile Sheets , that connection did not play well, and messed things up on the keyboard settings as described above.. So I switched the USB C connection from the Power Port C to an External C port on the tablet and everything is good. Registration Effects and edits works as originally saved.

Evidently, the power port connection on this particular tablet will work for an external connection, but it's intended use is mainly for power.
Weird though  ;D

Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings