Piano style for Somewhere in Time

Started by David L, Jan 14, 2023, 02:03 AM

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David L

Hello again,

I am also trying to find the right (piano type) style to go with Somewhere in Time.  Anyone have a suggestion?


David Laplante
(David L)
David's PSR Performer Page

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 2 styles for you to try, David. :)

I also removed a duplicate reference to "PSR Performer" in your forum profile.

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"Music Is My Life"
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David L

Hi again Roger,

Once again, thank you for the two styles you suggested.  I will download these soon also and let you know which one I like best.

I was wondering why I had psr performer twice in my profile. I thought it should have said supporter, but was not sure if the usb style stick I purchased qualified me for that  in my profile.

David Laplante
(David L)
David's PSR Performer Page

Roger Brenizer

Most likely, Joe inadvertently chose the wrong status category when he tried to mark your account as a "Supporter", which is why the duplicate "PSR Performer" was displayed.

Yes, any purchase from our website or donation qualifies you as a "Lifetime Supporter" of our forum. I will immediately mark your account as a "Supporter" after I post this reply. Thank you for supporting our forum, David. :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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David L


Once again, thanks for updating my profile to show the correct information.  I have downloaded the styles you posted and tried them both.  Unfortunately neither of them matches what I was looking for.  They are both very custom for the song somewhere in time, but I am looking for a more refined style to go with this classic to modern tune.  Definitely need more of a piano accompaniment and softer drums in the style.

I appreciate you taking the time and effort to post these for me to try.

Many thanks,

David Laplante
(David L)
David's PSR Performer Page

David L

Hey Roger,

I found my style for Somewhere in Time on a USB stick I got with tons of styles from this site!  I can't remember the original style name, but I renamed it to Somewhere in Time and changed a lot of the OTS sounds and settings.  I posted the song today on the Music performances Board and added a copy of the modified style.  I am adding it here too in case you didn't see it in the other post.
                                                  Somewhere in Time Style

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Thanks again for taking the time to send me a few styles to test out for this song.

My Best,

David Laplante
(David L)
David's PSR Performer Page