Style request Baby Elephant Walk

Started by David L, Jan 14, 2023, 02:00 AM

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David L

Greetings all,

I have been searching for a good style to go along with the song Baby Elephant Walk.  Can anyone point me in the right direction? 

Thanks for any assistance locating one.


David Laplante
(David L)
David's PSR Performer Page

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 3 styles for you to try, David. :)

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David L

Hey Roger,

Thanks for the three styles to try .  I will download them soon and let you know which one works best for me.

David Laplante
(David L)
David's PSR Performer Page

David L

Hi Roger,

I have downloaded and tried all three of the styles you posted for baby elephant walk.  They all work, so I will need to pick the one that works best for me.  I then plan to take the time to modify the voices, drums and effects to more match and balance with my Tyros 4.  It will be fun and a real good challenge doing this.  It will be my first attempt at modifying a style so I plan to just take my time and see what I can come up with.

Thanks again for taking the time to upload these for me to try.


David Laplante
(David L)
David's PSR Performer Page